So many words. Again, if the point of this discussion has nothing to do with a conspiracy and that issue is just a "strawman" here because no one here is implying the alleged power/phone outage had anything to do with a conspiracy, then the discussion is pointless. If you want to believe the power went off briefly and the phones didn't work for a moment that is fine. That is wrong but makes no difference to this case if deemed a coincidence having nothing to do with the assassination. Does anyone think that is what Dishonest John is really contending? Hard to say since he never takes any position because that would require him to do something other than be a contrarian. But he has indicated that a conspiracy is a "strawman" here. So how about John just confirm that he doesn't believe the power outage has anything to do with a conspiracy and clear that strawman up so that we can move on?
If, however, the implication is that the power and phones not working is evidence of a conspiracy, then someone needs to explain how that advanced the cause of the conspirators. If the power was off at 12:30 as CTers alleged via Hine, then it was turned back on because we know Baker and Truly took the elevator a few minutes later. Also Hine confirms that when she walked to another office on her floor right after the assassination that she could not get the attention of the person because they were on the phone. Thus, the phones were working again within moments. Was the outage limited just to Hine's office? If so, that raises even more questions as to how that advances the conspirator's cause. There was no killer in her office or apparent reason to briefly turn the power and phone off in just her office where nothing was happening. There are other examples of the elevators working in the minutes after the assassination and Mooney himself takes the elevator from the first to second floor (thus power). So if there are power outages, then they are multiple and over time with the power being turned off and on again. The one at 12:30 when CTers allege Hine confirms the power and phones are out and then another after Mooney rides the elevator to the second floor (power on to get him to the second floor, then power turned off and then back on). That occurs many minutes after 12:30. Who and how are these outages being coordinated? It is risky and seemingly without purpose. How was the person charged with cutting the power in the building informed where and when to do so? Someone would have relay in real time information to him as events were playing out in other parts of the building that he couldn't monitor. How did these people avoid being seen when the DPD were in the building looking for an assassin etc.? Most importantly why are they even doing this as it served no apparent purpose? It is ridiculous.