Good work! In this discussion 4 to 5 years ago, I was uncomfortable going against the CT tide on Veciana's long delayed revelation, but I did because of the unevenness, to put it mildly, of Veciana's prior statements, life events, and his history with Godoy. Parnell, your new research would have raised my comfort level in the discussion at the link above in which I agreed with Dr. McAdams about the unreliability of Veciana, but felt Dr. McAdams protested too much, considering there was less known in 2016 and McAdams's posting in that discussion was almost as outsized as this post has grown to be, in your thread. I apologize for the intrusion.
Godoy was linked in CIA documents to "Jake" Cogswell. I linked Cogswell with lifelong mutual family ties in Scarsdale to Richard Ober. Cogswell also was Dean Mathay's Empire Trust protoge Leslie Rice's funds flow, CIA conduit to support Godoy and other anti-Castro Cubans.'s father, Harold was the book agent of F Scott Fitzgerald and parent by default of his daughter, Scottie. Cogswell married the daughter, Nancy, of Cornelius van Ness in 1945. In 1953, he remarried, to the first cousin of Will Farish, III, Joan Farish. In that wedding, Cogswell's best man was George O. Walbridge, 2d.
Lem Billings was Walbridge's boss before Billings invented "Fizzies" and resigned to promote that product. They are pictured in Cuba with an aide of Carlos Prio.
Their boss, McAdoo, at Bromo-Seltzer's Emerson parent co. was related to George DeM's aunt, Nina McAdoo DeM. Warren Commissioner and Yale Bonesman Kentucky republican Senator John Sherman Cooper's wife was formerly married to Robert McAdoo ... Lorraine Cooper's obit: and William Macomber had been a key aide to the Senator after his CIA stint and before becoming a key aide to Foster Dulles. Macomber was best man of Tom Devine, May, 1963 "CIA shadow of George DeM in NYC and DC. Cogswell allegedly brought Joseph Dryer, Jr to the attention of HSCA owing to Dryer's familiarity with George DeM. Joan Mellen told me Dryer confirmed Devine was his closest friend growing up in Rochester, also the hometown of Macomber.

Cogswell and Richard Ober resided one mile apart in then rural Scarsdale, NY. They attended Phillips-Exeter simultaneously

A Guide to F. Scott Fitzgerald's St. Paul - Page 52 - Google Books Result
John J. Koblas - 2004 - Travel
On his daily walks from the house on Goodrich to the office, Fitzgerald often ... to talk and drink with proprietors Cornelius Van Ness and Thomas A. Boyd.