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Author Topic: Assassination Witnesses Never Called to give Testimony at the Warren Commission  (Read 21652 times)

Offline Jerry Freeman

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The screaming woman? Didn't happen. Didn't exist. The witnesses Bowers, Holland, Dodd, Simmons, Oliver didn't really see anything. OK.
I guess we're not going to hear from Hudson and Sitzman, who were feet from the fence corner, who reported no rifle being fired so near them, saw no smoke and detected no smell of a gun having been fired.
I guess you want a 8X10 glossy of a rifleman behind the fence :-\
Sitzman: And as far as the sound of the shots go, the first one, as I said, sounded like a firecracker, and the second one that I heard sounded the same, because I recall no difference whatsoever in them. And I'm sure that if the second shot would have come from a different place -- and the supposed theory is they would have been much closer to me and on the right side -- I would have heard the sounding of the gun much closer, and I probably had a ringing in my head because the fence was quite close to where we were standing, very close. Ah, it just sounded the same way.
 Sitzman: There was a ... there was thousands of people coming out of that building after I got back there. There was reporters, there were just people from the street I remember coming up and asking questions.
"Supposed theory"... "Thousands" :D

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Offline Jerry Freeman

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Nonsense. There was several people who reported shots from other than the Depository. 
Nonsense? Then accept their claims as at a probability or at least a possibility.

Offline Bill Chapman

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Do you now think the "smoke" in the Wiegman film is from a Bar-B-Q?

C'mon Jerry, we know there were shooters downrange... they were disguised as trees, bushes and leaves. Can't you see that? Open your eyes, dude.

Additionally, trick-shot artist James Files confessed to shooting Kennedy. And let me double-down on that by reminding you that Oswald (AKA as a little prick) has long since confessed his innocence.

Get a clue, man.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2020, 11:38:40 PM by Bill Chapman »

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Offline Jerry Freeman

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you kooks...  your bias. 
Works both ways pal.

Offline Peter Kleinschmidt

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Nonsense. There was several people who reported shots from other than the Depository. The Warren Commission called Officer Joe Smith to testify.

     Mr. LIEBELER. I show you a picture, an aerial view of the area that is marked Commission
               Exhibit No. 354.
     Mr. LIEBELER. I will put the No. 4 in a circle on the spot of approximately where you
               were standing at the time the motorcade went by. Is that approximately correct?
     Mr. SMITH. Yes, sir.
     Mr. LIEBELER. You were facing east up Elm Street away from the triple underpass?
     Mr. SMITH. Yes, sir.
     Mr. LIEBELER. So that your back was in fact turned to the School Book Depository Building?
     Mr. SMITH. Yes.
     Mr. SMITH. I started up toward this Book Depository after I heard the shots, and I didn't
               know where the shots came from. I had no idea, because it was such a ricochet.
     Mr. LIEBELER. An echo effect?
     Mr. SMITH. Yes, sir.; and this woman came up to me and she was just in hysterics.
               She told me, "They are shooting the President from the bushes." So I immediately
               proceeded up here.
     Mr. LIEBELER. You proceeded up to an area immediately behind the concrete structure
               here that is described by Elm Street and the street that runs immediately in front
               of the Texas School Book Depository, is that right?
     Mr. SMITH. I was checking all the bushes and I checked all the cars in the parking lot.
     Mr. LIEBELER. Down around the---let's put a No. 5 there at the corner here behind this
               concrete structure where the bushes were down toward the railroad tracks from
               the Texas School Book Depository Building on the little street that runs down in
               front of the Texas School Book Depository Building.
     Mr. SMITH. Yes.
     Mr. LIEBELER. Now you say that you had the idea that the shots may have come from
               up in that area?
     Mr. SMITH. Yes, sir; that is just what, well, like I say, the sound of it. That was the most
               helpless and hopeless feeling I ever had.
     Mr. LIEBELER. Well, you mentioned before there was an echo from the shots in the area.
     Mr. SMITH. Yes, sir.
     Mr. LIEBELER. After you heard the shots, you proceeded down along the bushes here
               between the street that runs in front of the Texas School Book Depository Building
               and Elm Street to approximately point 5, and then when you went down looking
               to the cars, you then had occasion to look up at the railroad tracks running over the
               triple underpass?
     Mr. SMITH. Yes, sir.

They probably saw what Bowers said he saw. Some peculiar visual movement behind the retaining wall. Holland originally said" "But the puff of smoke I saw definitely came from behind the arcade through the trees." and testified:

     Mr. HOLLAND - There was a shot, a report, I don't know whether it was a shot. I can't say
     that. And a puff of smoke came out about 6 or 8 feet above the ground right out from under
     those trees. And at just about this location from where I was standing you could see that 
     puff of smoke, like someone had thrown a firecracker, or something out."
     Mr. STERN - When you ran behind the picket fence after the shots were fired, did you
               come near the area where the station wagon was parked?
     Mr. HOLLAND - Went up to behind the arcade as far as you could go.
     Mr. STERN - So, you would have passed where this station wagon was?
     Mr. HOLLAND - Yes.

Holland thought it could have been a firecracker thrown out from the pergola, the first place he ran to after the shots.

Sitzman, who was in a position to see as she was a few feet from the fence corner, said the only unusual thing she saw happen in the area was a black couple running from there. She saw no gunman or gunsmoke, heard no gunshot, smelled no gunpowder.

Emmett J. Hudson, standing on the steps a few feet from the fence corner, was supposedly a few feet away and downwind from where the "smoke" was and he didn't observe or smell it. Nor heard it; he thought all the shots came from behind (to his left) the motorcade.

     Mr. LIEBELER - But you are quite sure in your own mind that the shots came from the
               rear of the President's car and above it; is that correct?
     Mr. HUDSON - Yes.
     Mr. LIEBELER - Did you have any idea that they might have come from the Texas School
               Book Depository Building?
     Mr. HUDSON - Well, it sounded like it was high, you know, from above and kind of behind
               like - in other words, to the left.
     Mr. LIEBELER - And that would have fit in with the Texas School Book Depository, wouldn't it?
     Mr. HUDSON - Yes.

Well, that's lower than the standard of proof you kooks expect for a SN gunman. And then you would say it was a fake photo.

There were shells found at the SN and a rifle on the same floor; some witnesses saw a "pipe", rifle and a man with a rifle at the SN window. We have nothing like that for the grassy knoll "gunman". Even you think the Weigman film "smoke" is from a BBQ.

So witness veracity depends on how they accommodate your bias.

Like you are free of bias, and you scream and whine

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Offline Gary Craig

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Of the 216 witnesses who were interviewed by the FBI or the Warren Commission, 73 of them were Dallas Police Officers,
Dallas Deputy Sheriffs, Secret Service Agents and other government employees who traditionally tend to identify with
the government’s case. Thus, the tabulation of 216 witnesses (culled from the Warren Commission’s 26 Volumes and from
Commission Documents stored in the National Archives) does not constitute a random sample of the witnesses to the
assassination. Hence, it cannot be the basis for an accurate statistical analysis of witness accounts. What happens if
we separate out the 73 government employees from the 143 nongovernment employees?

   143 Nongovernment Employees       73 Government Employees   
              Depository 22                               Depository 26
                      Knoll 44                                        Knoll 8

Offline Peter Kleinschmidt

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Many of the Government witnesses were riding in the motorcade, somewhat detached from crowd noise and large reflective surfaces, with some having lines-of-sight to the Depository. Let's compare with some of the non-Government witnesses in the motorcade:

Name  Comments  Direction or Vicinity
Jack Bell  Depository
Malcolm Couch  Saw rifle barrel  Depository
Tom Dillard    Depository
Robert Jackson  Saw rifle  Depository

So many "Government" witnesses and non-Government witnesses in the motorcade appear to have honestly related their experiences.
"appear to have honestly related their experiences" Equally or probably more often these things are not what they seem. This also can be said about the two clowns claim about seeing a rifle or rifle barrel.
A couple of photographers who say they saw a rifle or a rifle barrel but did not get a photograph of a rifle or even just a rifle barrel would mean they did not see anything and were honestly mistaken at best.

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