After which Oswald is snuffed out in the ambulance by pillow kinda like the late Chief Justice Scalia may have been (coincidentally thereby creating stalemate SCOTUS of 4 left and 4 right)
See this is the bit thats a stretch, to say the least. Are we suggesting that Jim Leavelle murdered Oswald in the back of the ambulance?! Or was willing to do so but Ruby got lucky and killed him first?
Ruby was the 2nd patsy in effect .
Where was the 3rd patsy? The one to take out the 2nd patsy?
There is no benefit for Ruby to risk himself getting shot dead just to take one shot at Oswald with a bullet not enhanced with cyanide or other chemical to ensure Oswalds death
To kill JFK, all they would've needed is for one "patriot" who was "willing to give their life for their country" to shoot JFK at Love Field and then the assassin is killed by one of the Secret Service. Easy. "Oh he shot the president so I shot him". Easy. A conspiracy that requires a handful of people.
Look how easy it would've been.
Actually, at times coming down Main, the car was going so slow, anyone could have jumped into the car and pumped JFKs head full of bullets before any Secret Service had time to react. Why didn't they just do that?
Look how easy it would've been.
Instead we have a conspiracy involving everyone (in Dallas alone) from most of the Dallas police, to the ambulance driver, to the Western Union people, the Paines, Marina, Ruby, the mob, the CIA, the secret service, the coroners, the doctors at Parkland, people planting bullets, removing Mausers and replacing them with Carcanos and so on. Hundreds of people.