I thought there was something about an ice skating accident......going from memory here.
Found this from Robin Unger on the EF from 2005. Seems my memory is not too bad after all.
"WC Testimony of Harry Olsen.
I am very sceptical about Olsen's WC testimony, when asked about his leg Olsen says that he fell down and injured it, but doesn't tell the WC that Ruby did it.
And what is with the meeting at the garage with Ruby after the assassination. ?
Also when Olsen was gaurding a ladies house because he was off work on the 22/11/63 why did he leave his car behind, and then have to walk home 4-blocks with his leg in a plaster.

Ian Griggs.
Joe Cody was apparently an expert ice skater (former pro player?) and he recalled occasions when he had seen Ruby skating at Fair Park. When I read this I was reminded of an interview I conducted of Shari Angel in which she described going ice skating there with Jack Ruby, Kathy Kay and Harry Olsen.
Jack collided with Harry on the ice and seriously injured Harry's knee. It was as a result of this injury that Harry Olsen had a leg in plaster and was off duty on the day of the assassination.Testimony:
Mr SPECTER. Do you recall November 22, 1963, the day President Kennedy was assassinated?
Mr OLSEN. Yes, sir.
Mr SPECTER. Tell me, as specifically as you can recollect, exactly what your activities were on that day.
Mr OLSEN. I was employed by the Dallas Police Department and I was working at an extra job guarding an estate.
Mr SPECTER. Whose estate was that?
Mr OLSEN. I don't remember the name.
Mr SPECTER. How did you happen to get that extra job?
Mr OLSEN. A motorcycle officer was related to this elderly woman and he was doing work, but he was in the motor----
Mr OLSEN. Motorcade of the President, and I was off that day and able to work it.
Mr SPECTER. Do you recall the name of the motorcycle officer?
Mr SPECTER. Where was that estate located?
Mr OLSEN. On 8th Street in Dallas.
Mr SPECTER. Do you recall the specific address or the cross street on which it was located?
Mr OLSEN. It's in the Oak Cliff area, it's approximately two blocks off of Stemmons.
Mr SPECTER. How did it happen that you were not on duty with the police department on the day President Kennedy was in town?
Mr OLSEN. I had my leg in a cast and I was doing light duty, which was working in the office, patrol office, and I had asked them if they needed me to work that day and they said no.
Mr SPECTER. What sort of an accident did you have to injure your leg?
Mr OLSEN. I fell and broke my kneecap.
Mr SPECTER. When did that occur?
Mr OLSEN. Oh, several weeks before.
Mr SPECTER. At what hospital were you treated?
Mr OLSEN. Baylor Hospital.
Mr SPECTER. Is that in Dallas?
Mr OLSEN. Yes, sir; it's on Gaston.
Mr SPECTER. What time did you start to guard the estate on that particular Friday?
Mr OLSEN. About 7 a.m.
Mr SPECTER. And how long did that guard duty last?
Mr OLSEN. Until about 8.
Mr SPECTER. Eight p.m.?
Mr OLSEN. P.m., yes, sir.
Mr SPECTER. Did you have any visitors while you were guarding the estate on that day?
Mr OLSEN. Yes, sir.
Mr SPECTER. And who was the visitor or visitors?
Mr OLSEN. Kay.
Mr SPECTER. What time did she visit you?
Mr OLSEN. Right after the President was shot.
Mr SPECTER. How did you learn of the assassination of the President?
Mr OLSEN. A woman called me on the phone who was a friend of the person who had lived there.
Mr SPECTER. Do you know who that woman was?
Mr OLSEN. No, sir.- And she wanted to know if I had heard the news, and I said no and she said, "The President has been shot."
Mr SPECTER. What time did that telephone call occur?
Mr OLSEN. Right after he was shot. I don't know exactly what time it was.
Mr SPECTER. Did you talk to anybody else on the telephone or in person between the telephone call and the time that Kay visited you?
Mr OLSEN. Passers-by. I went outside.
Mr SPECTER. Whom did you see outside?
Mr OLSEN. No one who I knew by name They just said, "Have you heard the news?" And I said, "Yes, I had."
Mr SPECTER. Did you have any other telephone calls while you were guarding that house?
Mr OLSEN. I called the police department and asked them if they needed me to work.
Mr SPECTER. To whom did you talk at the police department?
Mr OLSEN. I don't recall.
Mr SPECTER. What response did you get?
Mr OLSEN. They said no.
Mr SPECTER. What time did Kay visit you on that Friday?
Mr OLSEN. In the afternoon sometime.
Mr SPECTER. How long did she stay?
Mr OLSEN. Oh, I would say an hour or two.
Mr SPECTER. Where did you have lunch on that Friday?
Mr OLSEN. There at the place that I was watching.
Mr SPECTER. Where did you have supper that day?
Mr OLSEN. At her house.
Mr SPECTER. What time did you go to her house? And by "her" I take it you mean Kay's house?
Mr OLSEN. Yes.
Mr SPECTER. Then what time did you go to Kay's house?
Mr OLSEN. When I got--when the motorcycle officer came and relieved me.
Mr SPECTER. About what time was that?
Mr OLSEN. Oh, 8; about 8.
Mr SPECTER. Did you have an automobile?
Mr OLSEN. No, sir.
Mr SPECTER. How did you get from the house which you were guarding to Kay's house?
Mr OLSEN. Walked.
Mr SPECTER. How far was it?
Mr OLSEN. About 4 blocks.
Mr SPECTER. Did the cast on your knee restrict your walking in any material way?
Mr OLSEN. Yes, sir.
Mr SPECTER. Were you able to walk with the cast on your knee?
Mr OLSEN. A little bit, not much.
Mr SPECTER. But you were able to walk well enough to cover those 4 blocks to Kay's house?
Mr OLSEN. Yes. And it swelled after I had walked it, though.
Mr SPECTER. What did you do after arriving at Kay's house?
Mr OLSEN. Well, going back to that, I had crutches, I believe, that I used. Now, what was the question?
Mr SPECTER. After you arrived at Kay's house, what did you do then?
Mr OLSEN. We talked about the assassination.
Mr SPECTER. How long did you stay at Kay's house?
Mr OLSEN. I would say several hours.
Mr SPECTER. And about what time did you leave Kay's house, to the best of your ability to recollect?
Mr OLSEN. What time I don't know.
Mr SPECTER. Was anybody else at Kay's house with you besides Kay?
Mr OLSEN. No, sir.
Mr SPECTER. In what manner did you travel away from Kay's house, by foot, by car?
Mr OLSEN. By car.
Mr SPECTER. Whose car was that?
Mr OLSEN. Mine.
Mr SPECTER. How was it that you didn't have your car at the house which you were guarding?
Mr OLSEN. I didn't want to drive it, I don't remember why. I think I left it for her to use.
Mr SPECTER. Did Kay go with you when you drove away from her house?
Mr OLSEN. Yes, sir.
Mr SPECTER. Where did you go?
Mr OLSEN. Downtown.
Mr SPECTER. What was the purpose of your trip to town?
Mr OLSEN. To see where the President was shot.
Mr SPECTER. Did you go then to Dealey Plaza?
Mr OLSEN. Yes, we drove by there.
Mr SPECTER. Did you go anyplace else?
Mr OLSEN. We went to a garage.
Mr SPECTER. Where was that garage located?
Mr OLSEN. Jackson and Field.
Mr SPECTER. What was the purpose of going to a garage at Jackson and Field?
Mr OLSEN. We knew the man who worked there.
Mr SPECTER. What was his name?
Mr OLSEN. Johnny is all I know him by.
Mr SPECTER. What sort of work did he do at that garage?
Mr OLSEN. He was an attendant.
Mr SPECTER. Why did you want to go see him?
Mr OLSEN. To talk.
Mr SPECTER. For any special purpose?
Mr OLSEN. No, sir.
Mr SPECTER. Do you recollect about what time you arrived at that garage?
Mr OLSEN. Oh, 12, approximately.
Mr SPECTER. Did you see Johnny when you were there?
Mr OLSEN. Yes, sir.
Mr SPECTER. Did you see anybody else while you were at that garage?
Mr OLSEN. Yes, sir.
Mr SPECTER. Who else did you see?
Mr OLSEN. Jack Ruby"