JFK was murdered by the evil, evil, evil CIA, and/or the Dallas Police Department, and/or [ Hoover's Extra Special agents, evil American agency or organization] ?
Hoover's agents were present at the autopsy..... and in position to control the evidence.... As far as I know....there wasn't a single KGB agent in the room....
You mean George DeMohrenschildt wasn't there?
-- MWT

PS If J. Edgar Hoover did manipulate the autopsy to make it look as though JFK had been murdered by "Lone Nut" Oswald, alone (rather than by fifteen or twenty-something Ruskie and Cuban assassins), do you think it might have been because the KGB had put a Peter Dale Scott-like WW III virus in Oswald's CIA file by having
triple-agent Ivan Obyedkov (the implausibly well-paid "security guard" at the Mexico City Soviet embassy) "volunteer" the made-radioactive-by-KGB name "Kostikov" to an Oswald impersonator over a sure-to-be-tapped-by-CIA Soviet embassy phoneline on Tuesday, October 1?