Thanks for your always welcome comments Steve. My guess is that Newman will say specific CIA individuals were assisting the Pentagon plotters in some way because they hated JFK. I think most of his reason for this will be to pacify the CIA-did-it crowd and make it look like he has considered all avenues. As I mentioned to Tommy, he will also evidently use people like Nosenko to confirm his theory. My own opinion is that saying Fonzi had a more active role rather than just a "sixth sense" that he was being used would be a bridge too far for Newman. Then he would have to go through Fonzi's book line by line to decide what was fit this theory and what Fonzi must have fabricated. And any suggestion that Fonzi lied would just alienate Fonzi's followers. Much easier to just say Fonzi was aware of Veciana's intention to help the Pentagon plotters even though he developed doubts about some of Veciana's story. But you never know as you point out.
Right, my "Fonzi was part of the coverup" claim was mostly tongue in cheek. But, boy, you never know anymore.
I just checked Fonz's piece in the Washingtonian magazine, that 8000+ word opus on who killed JFK. There isn't a single reference to Lansdale, Lemnitzer, the Pentagon or any other US military figure.
Re Nosenko: If you read the account, his explanations as to their handling of Oswald were all over the place. He said Oswald was never watched by the KGB, then he said he was watched; he said Oswald was never questioned and then he said he personally questioned Oswald. It's a complete mystery as to what he was all about.
But Golitsyn, who the CIA also believe was legitimate (Angleton certainly did), told the CIA a number of falsehoods. He said the Soviet/China split was a ruse done to lull the west asleep. We know that it was a real, deep divide between the two nations. It wasn't a cover.
For those readers unfamiliar with it, the Fonzi piece can be read here: