Lee Oswald was issued a passport on Sept 10, 1959. It apparently was only good for 4 years. Odd---I thought passports were good for 10 years, but I had never had one until later in life....My earlier travels were all made using my military ID.
Oswald's 1959 passport---
https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh18/pdf/WH18_CE_946.pdf... Passports now-a-days are digitized with magnetic strips and stuff. But it takes 6-8 weeks and $110 to regularly process one.
Does it really take weeks to install photos and strips?
Oswald's passport states [again with this] his height as 5' 11''. Any customs would catch that today. They know how tall you are before you ever get to their window. His profession is a "Shipping Export Agent". Why not photographer? I guess he couldn't spell it.
Auspicious overtures were made concerning attendance to an Albert- Schweitzer College [a $25 remittance had been made some months earlier]
Detailed research on this incident...
http://coverthistory.blogspot.com/2005/07/oswald-and-albert-schweitzer-college.htmlWe know that Oswald did not attend college but found his way to Finland. What prompted this was never determined.
More of a mystery is how he managed to travel to London ...and fly from there to Helsinki...stay at two hotels...apply for and receive a visa to enter the Soviet Union and does so in less than a week.
Oswald's USSR entry visa was issued in twenty-four hours (or less), not forty-eight hours as previously alleged. Since the beginning, everyone has been questioning the rapidity with which Oswald's visa was issued. It was generally held that Oswald requested his visa on Monday, October 12, the first business day after his arrival in Helsinki. His passport shows that his Soviet entry visa was issued on October 14, a mere forty-eight hours later. Normally, tourist visas took approximately five to seven days to be issued. This unusually rapid issue of Oswald's visa is sometimes cited as evidence of Soviet facilitation of his entry into the USSR.
In fact, the situation appears even worse that that: the visa was issued in twenty-four hours or less! Lee Harvey Oswald's 1959 visa application form is still held in Russian archives, but KGB Colonel Oleg Nechiporenko reproduced a photographic copy of it in his 1993 book, Passport to Assassination . In the photo it can be seen that the form is dated and signed by Oswald on October 13, one day later than previously thought. It is unlikely that the Soviet Consular bureaucracy would have allowed Oswald to make a mistake on the dating of the application form. He signed and submitted it on 13 October and within a mere twenty-four hours, the Soviet consulate approved and stamped Oswald's entry visa into his passport.
The HSCA looked into this. It is almost as if Oswald's visa was already waiting for him. More...

The Blue Ribbon Warren Commission chose to answer how Oswald financed and wrangled this aspect of his life by ignoring it or perhaps maybe accepting [based on nothing] that he must have been very frugal with his military savings and was miraculously fortuitous

In June 1962 Oswald leaves with a baby daughter listed on his passport. Marina apparently had her own. The Oswalds traveled through Poland and East Germany according to the stamps.
Oswald's 1959 passport had not expired until Sept 1963 but as we can see--it appears to have been voided/cancelled rendering it useless for world travel.
Mr Freeman is correct.
The "Australian girls", commenting on Oswald"s passport and it's "Russian" stamps, are incorrect.
If you look closely at Oswalds's passport application, regarding his old passport, there is a box checked, indicating the applicant is turning in his old passport,...the one showing his travels out of The Soviet Union.
Perhaps he didn't turn it in. One can lie and say they lost their passport.
How was it ever located?--- #Anyone?
A passport was not required for entry and travel into Mexico in 1963. By 1974, a passport was requested if one traveled 30 miles beyond the border and stayed some extensive time. Allegedly Oswald applied for a new passport in New Orleans Jun 24 '63. Was he planning a trip to Cuba/USSR with it? The BRWC believers suggest --Of course!-- [based on no evidence]
I haven't ever been able to locate
a link with that 1963 passport application....#Anybody?
I have never seen a page showing the actual 1963 passport--- as far as I know...it was never located [I wonder why?]