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Author Topic: Complete HSCA Interview with Parkland Nurse Sharon Tuohy  (Read 6376 times)

Offline Denis Morissette

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Complete HSCA Interview with Parkland Nurse Sharon Tuohy
« on: February 06, 2020, 04:14:11 AM »
This is a 1977 or 1978 HSCA interview with Parkland nurse Sharon Thuoy who has quite a dramatic story to tell. The HSCA interviewers could not believe their ears! From my collection of HSCA interviews.

My summary:
CASSETTE 1, SIDE 1 (28 minutes)
0:41. I was a nurse student at the time.
1:23. There was a phone, and a doctor was using it. A reporter known to us wanted to use it as well, but was told to wait. He hit the doctor on the chin knocking him down, and used the phone. He told to the person on the other end of the phone that someone in the motorcade had been injured. My colleague Donna Schloss and I overheard the conversation. We went to the emergency room.
2:43. A stretcher with a body on it arrived. I went with it.
3:00. The patient had a bullet wound in the throat… The base of the back of his head had a large cavity, big enough for 2 fists to go into.
3:37. A tracheotomy was prepared. JFK had a pulse, his breathing hard to hear.
4:06. An incision for the tracheotomy was made after some comments were made about the wound being at the wrong location to be used for the tracheotomy.
4:27. Dr. Carrico made the incision and getting ready to put the tube in. Dr. Perry opened the door of the room with his hands held up. He said to the people, “You do know we’re operating on the president”
5:14. Blood was withdrawn from the president, and I took it to a technician.
6:06. I saw Jackie in the hall.
6:53. Donna Schloss re-appeared. In front of the elevator, against the wall, was a stretcher with bloody sheets. And there was a bullet. On the metal, the stretcher beside the mattress Donna and I saw that bullet. We went upstairs.
8:12. I saw the casket put into the car. Jackie put her hands on the casket. She shook a policeman’s hands and appeared to touch his cheeks. It looked as if she was telling him, “Thank you”.
8:56. Let me ask you… Did you initially report to the emergency room, and how long was it before JFK arrived?
Not more than 5 minutes.
9:15. The stretcher arrived. You recall the names of those who also accompanied the stretcher to the Trauma Room?
I remember only Dr. Carrico.
11:07. You related that you saw a wound in the neck of the president. When did you observe it?
11:22. Immediately after he entered Trauma One.
11:46. Please describe the wound in the neck?
11:53. Small. Between the size of nickel and a dime. Bloody.
12:22. Where was the wound relatively to the center of the neck?
12:33. About 2 inches to the right… On my right on my body… Towards his right.
13:09. To his right arm. Would have been to your left, his right?
13:14. You specifically recall the conversations to the point you remember that the wound was at the wrong location?
13:42. Who made the incision?
Dr. Carrico.
14:02. At what point did you see the second wound you saw? The one in the rear of the head.
14:26. Could you describe the wound at the back of the head?
Large. Ragged. Large enough for 2 fists to fit in. Very messy.
15:02. Please describe the location of this wound.
15:15. “Not directly in the center. More to the right, his right” The discussion continues on the details.
16:03. Any damage to the top of the head?
16:06. Not at all.
16:25. Any other damage at the back of the body or neck?
16:33. No.
16:40. So only the two you described to us?
16:52. Did you examine the body in a fashion that you would have seen other wounds?
17:03. Certainly in the chest area. Not on his back.
17:36. Questions on the timing of the events like the spotting of the bullet on the stretcher.
19:16. Could you describe again what was on the stretcher?
Thuoy describes.
21:07. Why have not you ever reported this bullet?
21:23. Thuoy replies.
22:03. When did you come back to the stretcher?
Thuoy: 3 PM.
22:14. Did you at any of the two times in the elevator area see anyone else than Donna Schloss?
22:45. Ever been contacted by official agencies?
22:58. No.
23:07. Have you called any of them to volunteer information?
I called your committee.
23:32. Could you relate this incident in Cambodia?
23:36. Thuoy related the incident when an SS agent told her, ‘You were one of the Parkland nurses”
25:00. What was your reaction to this incident?
25:27. I think we have covered everything.
25:30. You were still there after Dr. Perry left. Right?
Thuoy: I remember seeing Dr. Perry leave Emergency One. I don’t remember him staying there the entire time after he had put in the tube.
25:53. Question on how long she stayed there after Dr. Perry left.
26:27. You were not in the room when JFK was pronounced dead?
Thuoy: No.
26:35. Interviewer is asking personal information on Thuoy.

Here is what Donna Schloss had to say about Sharon.

JFK Assassination Forum

Complete HSCA Interview with Parkland Nurse Sharon Tuohy
« on: February 06, 2020, 04:14:11 AM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Complete HSCA Interview with Parkland Nurse Sharon Tuohy
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2020, 04:07:49 PM »
Thanks, Denis!

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Complete HSCA Interview with Parkland Nurse Sharon Tuohy
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2020, 08:00:00 PM »

 Denis - Appreciate your posting this Student Nurse's eyewitness account of JFK's wounds at Parkland Hospital. It corroborates the Parkland Professionals description of JFK's wounds. Being this HSCA Interview was conducted 14 or 15 years After the assassination, it would be good to know how much Nurse Thuoy had read/followed the JFK Assassination over the ensuing 14-15 years. With everything that was going on around her at Parkland on 11/22/63, her seeing a spent bullet wedged between a mattress and a stretcher is somewhat hard to believe. I'm not saying it couldn't happen, but an observation such as that amidst such a chaotic environment is certainly Sherlock Holmes worthy.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Complete HSCA Interview with Parkland Nurse Sharon Tuohy
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2020, 08:00:00 PM »

Offline Denis Morissette

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Re: Complete HSCA Interview with Parkland Nurse Sharon Tuohy
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2020, 04:46:41 AM »
Just found out that the interview was made in December 1976. She contacted the HSCA herself.

Offline Denis Morissette

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Re: Complete HSCA Interview with Parkland Nurse Sharon Tuohy
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2020, 04:47:40 AM »
I am puzzled by her claim that a journalist that she knew knocked down a doctor to get the telelphone.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Complete HSCA Interview with Parkland Nurse Sharon Tuohy
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2020, 04:47:40 AM »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Complete HSCA Interview with Parkland Nurse Sharon Tuohy
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2020, 04:21:25 PM »
I am puzzled by her claim that a journalist that she knew knocked down a doctor to get the telelphone.

   If the JFK Limo arrived at Parkland Hospital roughly 10 minutes after the Kill Shot, then her timeline is sketchy. If the "journalist" that socked a Dr had received word that someone in the motorcade had been shot, this would mean at that same point in time the JFK Limo is speeding to Parkland. She said after witnessing the journalist sock the Dr, she finished her meal. After that she went to the hospital library. From the Library she then went to the ER and tended to a woman there. It was After all of this that she then witnessed the gurney with JFK on it being hurried down the Parkland hall. She then accompanied the gurney into Trauma Room 1. Not only is this timeline suspect, but Gov Connally was brought into Parkland on a gurney Before JFK was, and Connally was howling due to having a punctured lung resulting in blood spurting everywhere as he was being wheeled down the same hall JFK would travel down a minute later. Somehow, she missed the entire Connally Scene.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2020, 04:24:29 PM by Royell Storing »

Offline Robert Reeves

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Re: Complete HSCA Interview with Parkland Nurse Sharon Tuohy
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2020, 11:20:26 PM »
Thanks for posting the details you find Denis.

12:22. Where was the wound relatively to the center of the neck?
12:33. About 2 inches to the right… On my right on my body… Towards his right.

Offline Michael T. Griffith

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Re: Complete HSCA Interview with Parkland Nurse Sharon Tuohy
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2020, 03:06:37 PM »
With everything that was going on around her at Parkland on 11/22/63, her seeing a spent bullet wedged between a mattress and a stretcher is somewhat hard to believe. I'm not saying it couldn't happen, but an observation such as that amidst such a chaotic environment is certainly Sherlock Holmes worthy.

Wasn't there another Parkland medical staffer who said they saw a bullet on JFK's stretcher?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Complete HSCA Interview with Parkland Nurse Sharon Tuohy
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2020, 03:06:37 PM »