Tommy, am I seeing a "consistency" in the tenor of Margaret's threads and posts?
I've tried to talk myself out of pushing back against Margaret's conclusions about Marina and Priscilla because I assume I cannot fully understand a woman's consideration of another woman's predicament, but (fortunately or unfortunately ?) the facts determine my responses.

Marina. according to the WC and FBI, certainly did not keep her side of "the bargain" offered to her by Fred Harvey, described in Heitman's FBI report.
First, she did not know what year she arrived in the U.S. Secondly, she
did not think of noticing the difference between East- and West Germany,
which was major. Then she, for some strange reason, thought that she
and Lee came to Amsterdam instead of Rotterdam. That is like saying
we arrived at the harbor in New York when we really had arrived in
Boston. The Oswald couple had to pass through four borders that
required clearing customs; still Marina did not mention it. Finally, she did
not remember passing through Europe or how long she stayed at the first
stop in Holland, but for some weird reason she remembers the
publishing offices of the New York Times!
We are sorry, but it sure seems as if she tried to remember a manuscript,
and she was really bad at it.

Tom ... Tom ... Tom,
You working class hero, you.
If Marina lied, if Marina helped to cover up a conspiracy to assassinate JFK, the question remains: was it a conspiracy by the evil, evil, evil CIA, or by the humanitarian organizations known as the KGB and the DGI?
What bothers me about Margaret and Steve M. and oh-so many others, is that they are apparently ignorant about, for example, the twelve-member Anna Chapman Spy Ring that was finally rolled up in 2010, they apparently don't realize that KGB-boy Vladimir Putin installed Donald Trump as our president in January 2017, etc, etc, etc, and they apparently think we should believe the likes of KGB officers Nechiporenko, Yatskov, Kostikov and Leonov ... because ... because ... well ... THE COLD WAR IS OVER, GOSH DARN IT!
-- MWT

PS Have you even read this, yet? To complicated? Too many Russian names? Too Angleton and Bagley and Golitsyn ... gasp ... exonerating?
Too Nosenko incriminating?
You prefer Tom Mangold, David Wise and Jefferson Morley, instead, brainwashed though they are?