James "Jumbo Duh" DiEugenio ...
Has there ever been a Communist he didn't worship and adore?
-- MWT 
PS Word is Jumbo Duh is collaborating with Oliver "I Like Vladimir Putin and My Son Works for RT" Stone on a film based on JD's excoriable book, JFK: Destiny Betrayed.
O M G ...
Mr. DiEugenio and Stone are Garrisonites, followers of Jim Garrison - as you may know, DiEugenio has openly stated this; while Stone, meanwhile, was probably a Garrisonite before ever hearing the name Jim Garrison - who they believed uncovered the evil forces that murdered JFK. And are still around today.
If you read Garrison's book, "On the Trail of the Assassins", or see interviews with him (read the Playboy interview) it's clear he wasn't pro-communist. Neither are, in my view, Stone or DiEugenio. It's just that he and they didn't consider communism (or just about any other external entity) as a threat to the US. They think it was a hyped threat made by militarists and corporatists to enrich themselves.
All of them view the United States as the chief cause of evil in the world and in particular the cause of the Cold War. Stone has explicitly stated this - he's said the US is an "evil empire" - and he made a film for PBS that essentially stated that the Cold War was caused by the US and that Stalin was defending his nation from the threats by America. Yes, Stalin was innocent in this matter! For them, America is controlled by the military industrial complex and fascists and evil corporations. It's essentially the view promoted by Bernie Sanders and especially Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
So, their worldview is that the US is the main cause of the world's problems because fascist-like elements in the country - in the "National Security State", in Wall Street, and elsewhere - control us. And moreover, JFK was going to challenge the power of these elements - end the Cold War, make peace with Castro, dismantle the "war state" - and that is why they killed him. In this view the Stalins and Putins and Castros and _______ (fill in the blank) are only defending themselves from American aggression. It's not, again, pro-communism as much as it is anti-Americanism.