I understand that figure of speech well enough to know that "this has to tilt the scales in the direction" does not change or modify the meaning of, "yes, indeed it is the same rifle."
Fithian could have said something to the effect that the damage to the rifle's stock is so similar to the damage visible in the photographs as to indicate that it
must be the same Carcano rifle.
But that, of course, would not be "good enough" for John Iacoletti.
If I had truly murdered someone and been arrested and charged with same, I would be very grateful, indeed, if John Iacoletti could weasel his way through the
voire dire process (especially if I was a flaming Leftist -- lol) and be appointed foreman of the jury at my trial, for it would be certain to end up, after weeks of deliberations, as a "hung jury" case, with just one juror refusing to find me guilty - John Iacoletti.
I can hear him yelling in the deliberation room now, "The prosecutor didn't prove jack spombleprofglidnoctobuns! He made it all up!"
-- MWT