We have Cecil Kirk’s scales and moon craters.
Who do you think you’re fooling? You can’t even prove that rifle was sent to that PO Box.
..Mt Iacoletti said, trying to change the subject.
Just to put things back on point, and for reference, I jumped into this based on this exchange between you and Galbraith, where you clipped this bit out of a Galbraith post :
"For example, the HSCA photographic experts say the rifle in the BYP was the rifle found in the sniper's nest."
then replied:
"This is blatantly false. You don’t help your argument any by spreading misinformation."
To which I pointed out that Steve's statement was, in fact, correct. The HSCA photography panel did conclude that "a comparison of the relative lengths of parts of the alleged assassination rifle that is in the National Archives with corresponding parts of what purports to be that rifle as shown in various photographs taken in 1963 indicates that the dimensions of the rifle(s) depicted are entirely consistent. b. A comparison of identifying marks that exist on the rifle as shown in photographs today with marks shown on the rifle in photographs taken in 1963 indicates both that the rifle in the Archives is the same weapon that Oswald is shown holding in the backyard picture and the same weapon, found by Dallas police, that appears in various postassassination photographs." [HSCA VI PP196]
As I've said, if you want to quibble with how or why they got to that conclusion, go ahead. But don't sit there and try to claim that the HSCA panel did anything other than conclude that the CE133* rifle is the same rifle recovered from the TSBD is CE139. That's simply what they said they found.