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Author Topic: Operation Mongoose  (Read 22528 times)

Offline Richard Rubio

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Re: Operation Mongoose
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2020, 04:34:55 PM »
Here’s a Handy List of Atrocities for Everyone Glorifying Fidel Castro Today

By Humberto Fontova

November 28, 2016

Shallow Research?  Care to say where?

NO, they can't... this is written by Humberto Fontova, a very well-known Cuban-American writer.  This is like so often, saying something that sounds so-called intellectual. It's not Fontova who mentioned anything about Operation Mongoose or anything like that, that the CIA overruled JFK or attempts on Castro. I think the person who said it is shallow research is the one who doesn't know anything about this and the only swamps I'd be thinking of might be the swamps where Operation Mongoose training took place.

BTW, don't they say Bobby was in Paris talking about ways to assassinate Castro?? It seems I've heard that too. No matter, the CIA at the least kept RFK apprised of developments and why not? Castro was openly threatening others.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Operation Mongoose
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2020, 04:34:55 PM »

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Operation Mongoose
« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2020, 04:55:08 PM »
Very good. Well, really,  it wasn't a great leap of faith that Castro and Che both wished to launch nukes on the US, in that day and age,  why would one not think the worse.

Yes, we had our faults but probably not as bad as others.

Great well-researched article and honestly, wanting to eliminate Castro, well, that's more of the CIA deeds and maybe JFK didn't want to overrule it... though,  it is a thing to research.

Not just some simple answer. Nothing would preclude one from trying to do both.

I think I read recently, some story of the CIA having contemplated attacks on the US homeland, mainly Florida and blaming it on Castro. I will look for the article and try to post it later.

I think I read recently, some story of the CIA having contemplated attacks on the US homeland, mainly Florida and blaming it on Castro. I will look for the article and try to post it later.

One of the ideas contemplated was a staged “attack” on a US ship at Guantanamo and made to appear that the Cubans attacked it...

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Operation Mongoose
« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2020, 05:06:28 PM »
Shallow Research?  Care to say where?

NO, they can't... this is written by Humberto Fontova, a very well-known Cuban-American writer.  This is like so often, saying something that sounds so-called intellectual. It's not Fontova who mentioned anything about Operation Mongoose or anything like that, that the CIA overruled JFK or attempts on Castro. I think the person who said it is shallow research is the one who doesn't know anything about this and the only swamps I'd be thinking of might be the swamps where Operation Mongoose training took place.

BTW, don't they say Bobby was in Paris talking about ways to assassinate Castro?? It seems I've heard that too. No matter, the CIA at the least kept RFK apprised of developments and why not? Castro was openly threatening others.

BTW, don't they say Bobby was in Paris talking about ways to assassinate Castro??

So your research is based on rumor ?.....  Actually Bobby was trying to open diplomacy with Castro through back channels.... Because so many powerful men in in the CIA and Washington were adamantly opposed to any friendly approach to  Castro.    The CIA and the Mafia and US businessmen wanted Castro dead.....Because
he had refused to allow them to continue raping Cuba.   They wanted Castro Out of the way permanently.....

JFK had to communicate with Krueschev  through back channels..... and he was trying to open a channel to Castro.   

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Operation Mongoose
« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2020, 05:06:28 PM »

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Operation Mongoose
« Reply #19 on: February 28, 2020, 07:09:26 PM »
BTW, don't they say Bobby was in Paris talking about ways to assassinate Castro??

So your research is based on rumor ?.....  Actually Bobby was trying to open diplomacy with Castro through back channels.... Because so many powerful men in in the CIA and Washington were adamantly opposed to any friendly approach to  Castro.    The CIA and the Mafia and US businessmen wanted Castro dead.....Because
he had refused to allow them to continue raping Cuba.   They wanted Castro Out of the way permanently.....

JFK had to communicate with Krueschev  through back channels..... and he was trying to open a channel to Castro.

Another quote from Russo’s book:

In a 1997 interview, Haig elaborated on Bobby’s role: Bobby Kennedy was running it—hour by hour. I was part of it, as deputy to Joe Califano and military assistant to General Vance. We were conducting two raids a week at the height of that program against mainland Cuba. People were being killed, sugar mills were being blown up, bridges were demolished. We were using fast boats and mother ships and the United States Army was supporting and training these forces. This was after the Missile Crisis when the Cuban Coordinating Committee was set up [in 1963]. Cy Vance, the Secretary of the Army, was [presiding] over the State Department, the CIA, and the National Security Council. I was intimately involved. It was wrong-headed, I’m sorry to say. Weekly reports were rendered to Bobby Kennedy—he had a very tight hand on the operation.21

THAT was the “diplomacy” that Bobby was conducting.

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Operation Mongoose
« Reply #20 on: February 29, 2020, 12:17:03 AM »
Another quote from Russo’s book:

Starting in early 1963, Williams, Barker, and Hunt would hold dozens of meetings in Washington and New York. Attempting to unite the various exile factions at Hunt’s direction, Harry Williams told Miami Cubans of an impending invasion, with initial infiltrations set to commence in December, 1963. Williams’ recruitment efforts were reported in the Associated Press: A new all-out drive to unify Cuban refugees into a single, powerful organization to topple the Fidel Castro regime was disclosed today by exile sources. The plan calls for formation of a junta in exile to mount a three-pronged thrust consisting of sabotage, infiltration and ultimate invasion. . . Seeking to put together the junta was Enrique [Harry] Ruiz-Williams, a Bay of Pigs invasion veteran, and friend of US. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy. Cuban leaders said intensive sabotage and guerrilla activities inside Cuba might start in a month to spark a possible uprising. Hundreds of exiles, reported itching for action and resentful of U.S. imposed curbs against the anti-Castro raids, will be recruited to infiltrate Cuba, the sources added.38

(38 - Associated Press dispatch 10 May 1963)


Shortly after LHO arrived in New Orleans, on the first day of work for the coffee company, this news came out and was most likely read by him. No wonder he decided to mess with the Cuban exiles... And the reported friendship with RFK probably caught his attention too...
« Last Edit: February 29, 2020, 12:33:51 AM by Charles Collins »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Operation Mongoose
« Reply #20 on: February 29, 2020, 12:17:03 AM »

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: Operation Mongoose
« Reply #21 on: February 29, 2020, 12:28:25 AM »
Oswald would be a perfect Castro assassination patsy to deflect attention towards the USSR, just wondering.

Yes, but why, then, did KGB triple-agent Aleksi Kulak (FBI's FEDORA) who duped J. Edgar Hoover for 15 years, go to the trouble of not only convincing JEH that that Golitsyn was "crazy" and Nosenko was "real deal," etc, but for purposes of this conversation temporarily convince JEH that Oleg Brykin of (FBI's TUMBLEWEED fame) at the U.N. was "Department 13"?

Look them up if you need to.

Hint: Guenter Schulz, Valery Kostikov, Ivan Obyedkov (mis-spelled "Byetkov" in Angleton's 1975 Church Committee testimony), Nikolai Leonov ("The Blond Oswald in Mexico City")

--  MWT   ;)
« Last Edit: February 29, 2020, 04:58:36 AM by Thomas Graves »

Offline Colin Crow

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Re: Operation Mongoose
« Reply #22 on: February 29, 2020, 05:03:03 AM »
Yes, but why, then, did KGB triple-agent Aleksi Kulak (FBI's FEDORA) who duped J. Edgar Hoover for 15 years, go to the trouble of not only convincing JEH that that Golitsyn was "crazy" and Nosenko was "real deal," etc, but for purposes of this conversation temporarily convince JEH that Oleg Brykin of (FBI's TUMBLEWEED fame) at the U.N. was "Department 13"?

Look them up if you need to.

Hint: Guenter Schulz, Vaseli Kostikov, Ivan Obyedkov (mis-spelled "Byetkov" in Angleton's 1975 Church Committee testimony), Nikolai Leonov ("The Blond Oswald in Mexico City")

--  MWT   ;)

Not sure you are following my drift Tommy. I am suggesting that Oswald would be a perfect patsy for a US plan to assassinate Castro. Just get him into Cuba at the appropriate time but no traceable US fingerprints. The supposed talked about invasion for December (see above post) possibly involved. My memory recalls some friction between Castro and Soviets in those times. Was it Castro looking to China that caused it? Can’t remember. In any event, little commie Russian defector would be cause for suspicion of a Soviet plan. Muddy the waters at least.

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: Operation Mongoose
« Reply #23 on: February 29, 2020, 05:52:15 AM »
Not sure you are following my drift Tommy. I am suggesting that Oswald would be a perfect patsy for a US plan to assassinate Castro. Just get him into Cuba at the appropriate time but no traceable US fingerprints. The supposed talked about invasion for December (see above post) possibly involved. My memory recalls some friction between Castro and Soviets in those times. Was it Castro looking to China that caused it? Can’t remember. In any event, little commie Russian defector would be cause for suspicion of a Soviet plan. Muddy the waters at least.

Of course I am, Colin.

I'm one step ahead of you, though, and I'm trying to impart some knowledge to you (and the others reading this thread) I've acquired over the past few years about how the KGB may have been involved in the assassination (even if it "only" involved its training/programming of Oswald in the USSR, and Khrushchev's getting "cold feet" too late and being unable to call Oswald off the mission), and specifically how the KGB apparently went through an elaborate, fairly long-range procedure in planting a Kremlin-protecting WW III Virus in Oswald's CIA file on Tuesday, October 1, 1963, which "virus" ensured that egg-on-his-face and Armageddon-fearing J. Edgar Hoover would cover up any indications of same, seein' as how he feared that Oswald had ostensibly been in contact with KGB's ostensible head of sabotage and assassinations in the Western Hemisphere, Valeriy Kostikov.

In a nutshell, the only reason the FBI and CIA believed Kostikov was Department 13 was because a guy who turned out to be a loyal-to-the-Kremlin triple-agent, Aleksei Kulak (FEDORA), had told the FBI shortly before Oswald (allegedly) went to Mexico City that Oleg Brykin at the U.N. was ... Department 13.


Didn't think so. But don't feel bad -- nobody does. It's way too complicated, there are way too many Russian names, and I haven't even told you about the "Blond Oswald In Mexico City," yet.

(Hint: Nikolai Leonov)

--  MWT  ;)
« Last Edit: February 29, 2020, 08:17:10 AM by Thomas Graves »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Operation Mongoose
« Reply #23 on: February 29, 2020, 05:52:15 AM »