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Author Topic: Operation Mongoose  (Read 22590 times)

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: Operation Mongoose
« Reply #40 on: March 03, 2020, 11:24:57 PM »
Have you posted the photo?


No, I haven't.

Why, can't you find it?

They're the identical passport-sized photos that were affixed to the Cuban visa application forms showing Oswald wearing his favorite sweater vest, white spombleprofglidnoctobuns shirt and tie.

Another one just like them can be seen in his scrapbook/photo book, next to a photo of the river in Minsk which was evidently taken from his balcony.

Maybe if you google oswald and "cuban visa" simultaneously, and then click on "images"?

Have you tried that yet?

--  MWT  ;)
« Last Edit: March 04, 2020, 01:57:16 AM by Thomas Graves »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Operation Mongoose
« Reply #40 on: March 03, 2020, 11:24:57 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Operation Mongoose
« Reply #41 on: March 04, 2020, 01:21:57 AM »

No, I haven't.

Why, can't you find it?

They're the identical passport-sized photos that were affixed to the Cuban visa application forms showing Oswald wearing his favorite sweater vest, white spombleprofglidnoctobuns and tie.

Another one just like them can be seen in his scrapbook/photo book, next to a photo of the river in Minsk which was evidently taken from his balcony.

Maybe if you google oswald and "cuban visa" simultaneously, and then click on "images"?

Have you tried that yet?

--  MWT  ;)

Oswald wearing his favorite sweater vest, white spombleprofglidnoctobuns and tie.....

Yer weird.... "White spombleprofglidnoctobuns"..... How do you know what kind of cologne  Lee was using?
« Last Edit: March 04, 2020, 01:23:43 AM by Walt Cakebread »

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: Operation Mongoose
« Reply #42 on: March 04, 2020, 01:46:20 AM »
Oswald wearing his favorite sweater vest, white spombleprofglidnoctobuns and tie.....

Yer weird.... "White spombleprofglidnoctobuns"..... How do you know what kind of cologne  Lee was using?

Oh, that's funny!

I had actually written, "... wearing his favorite (his only?) sweater vest ..." before I decided to leave out the bit in parentheses.

Regardless, is that the best shot you got, Cakewalk?

Are you embarrassed for saying I'd "shot myself in the foot," and then realizing I was talking about a different photo altogether, you jerk, you?


--  MWT  ;)

PS  Oh, I see. I wrote spombleprofglidnoctobuns instead of "shirt". I must have been thinking about you, Walter.  My bad.

Have you found the photo yet?

Perhaps someone will post it here for you.  So you don't get all confused, again.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2020, 06:42:28 AM by Thomas Graves »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Operation Mongoose
« Reply #42 on: March 04, 2020, 01:46:20 AM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Operation Mongoose
« Reply #43 on: March 04, 2020, 02:50:55 AM »

You wrote, "So, the Soviets (and Cubans?) made Oswald's Mexico City meetings (with "them", I guess?) seem more damning, so that Hoover would ..make them less damning (for him). But the Soviets and Cubans had already programmed Oswald as an assassin?"


Kinda, John.  (But only kinda.)

I'm saying the KGB probably trained and/or programmed Oswald in Minsk (as the former head of the Romanian "KGB," Ion Pacepa, claims).

I'm saying that at some point after Oswald had returned to the U.S., Khrushchev got "cold feet".

I'm saying Khrushchev tried, but was unable, to call Oswald off of the "hit".

I'm saying that J. Edgar Hoover's highly-trusted Aleksei Kulak (FEDORA), who was acknowledged by FBI in 1978 to have been a Kremlin-loyal triple-agent all along, fooled the FBI (and it the CIA) into believing for a year or so that known KGB officer Valeriy Kostikov at the Soviet consulate in Mexico City was the head of KGB's Western Hemisphere assassinations and sabotage department (Department 13).

I'm saying that a German national who was living in Oklahoma -- Guenter Schulz (FBI's TUMBLEWEED) -- and KGB's Oleg Brykin at the U.N., and KGB officer Kostikov, himself, wittingly or unwittingly colluded with Kulak to get the FBI and the CIA to swallow the above.

I'm saying that the KGB triple-agent James Angleton referred to as "Byetkov*?" in his 1975 top-secret Church Committee testimony, and as "the other hangnail" in his top-secret 1976 Church Committee testimony, was the (suspiciously highly paid) "security guard" at the Soviet embassy in Mexico City, Ivan Obyedkov (Bill Simpich agrees with me on this).

I'm saying that the "short, thin, blond-haired, 35 year-old, very thin-faced, suit-wearing "Oswald" who gave Sylvia Duran some passport-sized photos of Oswald (wearing a sweater vest and a tie) and who allegedly filled out the Cuban visa application form, was 35 year-old, short, thin, blond-haired, blue-eyed, very thin-faced KGB Colonel Nikolai Leonov (who was working at the Soviet Embassy as "Third Secretary" and "Assistant Cultural Attache").

I'm saying that Leonov, probably with Fidel Castro's permission, did not pretend to be Oswald, but did give Sylvia Duran the taken-in-Minsk photos of Oswald and the probably-forged-by-KGB Cuban visa application forms, and told Duran and Cuban Consul Eusebio Azcue what to do and say regarding this "Oswald".

I'm saying that Leonov probably impersonated Oswald in the sure-to-be-tapped-by-CIA phonecall from the Cuban consulate to the Soviet embassy or consulate on SaPersonay, September 28, and that he probably impersonated Oswald over a sure-to-be-tapped Soviet embassy phone line on Tuesday, October 1 (in which the above-mentioned triple-agent Ivan Obyedkov "volunteered" the name that had already been made "radioactive" by Kulak, Schulz, Brykin, and Kostikov, himself (see above) -- i.e., the name "KOSTIKOV" -- thereby planting a Kremlin (and World, come to think of it -- lol) protecting WW III Virus in Oswald's CIA file.

--  MWT ;)

PS  As Peter Dale Scott points out near the end of Part II of John Newman's March 2018 youtube presentation "Spy Wars," there is a scrap of paper in CIA files that suggests the over-the-phone Oswald impersonator in Mexico City spoke both bad Russian and bad English.  As I indicated above, I believe this over-the-telephone impersonator was KGB Colonel Nikolai Leonov.  I believe that he naturally spoke bad English, and that his speaking bad Russian can be explained by his possibly not realizing how fluent Oswald was in that hard-to-learn language, i.e., that Leonov over-dramatized that aspect a bit.

I'm saying that the "short, thin, blond-haired, 35 year-old, very thin-faced, suit-wearing "Oswald" who gave Sylvia Duran some passport-sized photos of Oswald (wearing a sweater vest and a tie) and who allegedly filled out the Cuban visa application form, was 35 year-old, short, thin, blond-haired, blue-eyed, very thin-faced KGB Colonel Nikolai Leonov (who was working at the Soviet Embassy as "Third Secretary" and "Assistant Cultural Attache").

So you think that Ms. Duran was so stupid that she couldn't see that the man that was presenting the photo, looked very different than the man in the photo???

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: Operation Mongoose
« Reply #44 on: March 04, 2020, 03:01:47 AM »

I'm saying that the "short, thin, blond-haired, 35 year-old, very thin-faced, suit-wearing "Oswald" who gave Sylvia Duran some passport-sized photos of Oswald (wearing a sweater vest and a tie) and who allegedly filled out the Cuban visa application form, was 35 year-old, short, thin, blond-haired, blue-eyed, very thin-faced KGB Colonel Nikolai Leonov (who was working at the Soviet Embassy as "Third Secretary" and "Assistant Cultural Attache").

So you think that Ms. Duran was so stupid that she couldn't see that the man that was presenting the photo, looked very different than the man in the photo???


I've written elsewhere (perhaps at this wonderful forum, or perhaps at the EF back in the day, or perhaps at my neglected-by-me FB page "Jumbo Duh Is Full Of Beans") that I don't believe Leonov physically impersonated Oswald at the Cuban Consulate, but that he gave those taken-in-Minsk photos of Oswald to Duran (probably with some already-forged-by-KGB Cuban visa applications), and, with Fidel's consent, told Duran and Azcue what to do and say regarding this virtual "Oswald" (who may even have been in Mexico City at the time, trying to get to Cuba to meet with a KGB officer by the name of "Kostin" for some unknown-by-us reason).

I should have made that more clear in my post, above.

Sorry about that.

Next question?

--  MWT   ;)
« Last Edit: March 04, 2020, 03:05:38 AM by Thomas Graves »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Operation Mongoose
« Reply #44 on: March 04, 2020, 03:01:47 AM »

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Operation Mongoose
« Reply #45 on: March 05, 2020, 12:40:59 AM »
Here is a quote from Gus Russo’s book “Live by the Sword”:

During the second week of November 1963, Oswald worked on drafts of a letter that, on November 12th, he would send to the Soviet Embassy in Washington. The letter is replete with Oswald lies and exaggerations about his time in Mexico, Hosty, etc. However, the letter’s most intriguing aspect is its closing sentence, which refers to the “stupid” Cuban Consul (Azcue), and how Oswald was “glad he had been replaced by another.”66 Azcue would be replaced at the Cuban Embassy on November 18. The obvious question is: How did Oswald know of this personnel change (and a week before it took place)? Was this common knowledge among young warehouse workers in Dallas?

The Mexico City details are often what are most questioned by researchers. It does seem unlikely to me that LHO would have been told of the personnel change if his actions and behavior in Mexico City were simply what was reported by the WC. Was he staying in contact with someone there?

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Operation Mongoose
« Reply #46 on: March 07, 2020, 05:43:34 PM »
Here is a quote from Gus Russo’s book “Live by the Sword”:

During the second week of November 1963, Oswald worked on drafts of a letter that, on November 12th, he would send to the Soviet Embassy in Washington. The letter is replete with Oswald lies and exaggerations about his time in Mexico, Hosty, etc. However, the letter’s most intriguing aspect is its closing sentence, which refers to the “stupid” Cuban Consul (Azcue), and how Oswald was “glad he had been replaced by another.”66 Azcue would be replaced at the Cuban Embassy on November 18. The obvious question is: How did Oswald know of this personnel change (and a week before it took place)? Was this common knowledge among young warehouse workers in Dallas?

The Mexico City details are often what are most questioned by researchers. It does seem unlikely to me that LHO would have been told of the personnel change if his actions and behavior in Mexico City were simply what was reported by the WC. Was he staying in contact with someone there?

The letter is replete with Oswald lies and exaggerations about his time in Mexico, Hosty, etc. However, the letter’s most intriguing aspect is its closing sentence, which refers to the “stupid” Cuban Consul (Azcue), and how Oswald was “glad he had been replaced by another.”66 Azcue would be replaced at the Cuban Embassy on November 18. The obvious question is: How did Oswald know of this personnel change (and a week before it took place)? Was this common knowledge among young warehouse workers in Dallas?[/i]

The letter is replete with Oswald lies and exaggerations about his time in Mexico, Hosty, etc.

Can we discuss what you believe to be lies??.....

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Operation Mongoose
« Reply #47 on: March 07, 2020, 06:38:29 PM »
The letter is replete with Oswald lies and exaggerations about his time in Mexico, Hosty, etc. However, the letter’s most intriguing aspect is its closing sentence, which refers to the “stupid” Cuban Consul (Azcue), and how Oswald was “glad he had been replaced by another.”66 Azcue would be replaced at the Cuban Embassy on November 18. The obvious question is: How did Oswald know of this personnel change (and a week before it took place)? Was this common knowledge among young warehouse workers in Dallas?[/i]

The letter is replete with Oswald lies and exaggerations about his time in Mexico, Hosty, etc.

Can we discuss what you believe to be lies??.....

Gus Russo wrote those words (I just quoted them from his book), so you would need to ask him. If you want to discuss what LHO wrote, just begin by citing what LHO wrote and your opinion of it. I will be happy to respond.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Operation Mongoose
« Reply #47 on: March 07, 2020, 06:38:29 PM »