Okay, I have read the letter and here are my opinions:
Charles, could you post a good copy of the letter? ( or a link to it)
And let's start by trying to determine WHO Lee was sending the information to...... It is common knowledge that the letter was addressed to the Russian embassy in Washington DC. But ..... was the information in the letter intended for the eyes of the FBI ?
let's start by trying to determine WHO Lee was sending the information to...... "Dear Sir, This is to inform you of _?

?_ ( one word) and my interviews with comrade Kostine in the Embassy of the Soviet union Mexico City Mexico."
It seems the purpose of the Letter was to inform someone of Lee's meeting with a Soviet agent named Kostine in the Embassy of the USSR in Mexico City.Then Lee apologizes for failing to obtain a visa to Cuba and travel to Havana. ( "as planned ") There is not an iota of evidence that Lee had had previous contact with the Soviet Embassy at anytime in the 30 days immediately prior to traveling to Mexico City....but we do know that Lee had been working with Hoover's extra special agent Guy Bannister and FBI agent Warren De Brueys.
"Had I been able to reach Havana as planned the Soviet Embassy would have had time to assist me." So IMO Lee was explaining his failure to the FBI.....Who had sent him to Mexico City.
Lee Says that he and Marina Nichilaveva are now living in Dallas Texas..... Marina's name before she married Lee Oswald was was Marina Nikolayevna Prusakova.
Lee would have known that, and it's doubtful that he would have referred to her as Marina Nichilaveva .... If anything he would have referred to Her as Marina Prusakova...... So where the hell did this name "Nichilaveva" come from?? WHO is "Nichilaveva"

and what was Lee saying???