he would have had to explain where he got it, wouldn't he?
How do you know that he didn't simply tell them that Lee had gave him the photo..... Do you doubt that Lee gave a photo to De Morhenschildt?
Also, it would make his claim that he did not know Oswald had a rifle impossible.
Paine denied that he knew that Lee had a rifle on 11/22/63??
How do you know that he didn't simply tell them that Lee had gave him the photo.I don't, but then I also don't know if he had a photograph to give to begin with.
Do you doubt that Lee gave a photo to De Morhenschildt? I have some reservations about that, yes....
Paine denied that he knew that Lee had a rifle on 11/22/63?? Mr. LIEBELER - Did you ever observe or hear prior to the assassination that Lee Oswald had been practicing with a rifle?
No, I didn't know prior to the assassination, we didn't know he had a rifle. I had supposed from my conversation with him back on Neely Street that he would like to have a rifle but I didn't gather that he did.
Mr. LIEBELER - Aside from whether or not you knew that he had a rifle, did you ever hear or observe him practicing with a rifle?
Mr. PAINE - No, I did not.