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Author Topic: Oswald's sack in the Sniper's nest.  (Read 82238 times)

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Oswald's sack in the Sniper's nest.
« Reply #192 on: March 05, 2020, 02:04:49 PM »
I agree with Colin in as much as that there was no apparent need to create a paperbag at work and take it to Irving for the sole purpose of transporting a rifle he had previously transported in other ways.

His frame of mind was more like Alfred E. Newman’s (What, me worry).

Pray tell, how in the world do you know what his frame of mind was?

Pray tell, how in the world do you know what his frame of mind was?

Marina tells us (through Priscilla) in this quote from “Marina and Lee”:

The Dallas papers of Thursday, April 11, ran front-page stories about the attempt on Walker’s life. Lee left the apartment to buy both morning and afternoon editions and lay on the sofa listening to news bulletins on the radio. It was reported that the police had identified the bullet as a 30.06. It was also reported that an aide to the general had noticed two men in a “late-model, unlicensed car” in the alley behind Walker’s house on the night of his return. After the shooting, a fourteen-year-old boy, Kirk Newman, who was a neighbor of Walker’s, claimed that he had seen two cars, one with one man in it, the other with several, speed away from the scene. Reading that, Lee roared with laughter. “Americans are so spoiled!” he said, proud of his escape. “It never occurs to them that you might use your own two legs. They always think you have a car. They chased a car. And here I am sitting here!” Once again he said that before any car left the scene, “my legs had carried me a long way.”2 Lee also laughed at the police identification of the badly smashed bullet.3 “They got the bullet—found it in the chimney,” he said. “They say I had a .30 caliber bullet when I didn’t at all. They’ve got the bullet and the rifle all wrong. Can’t even figure that out. What fools!”

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald's sack in the Sniper's nest.
« Reply #192 on: March 05, 2020, 02:04:49 PM »

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Oswald's sack in the Sniper's nest.
« Reply #193 on: March 05, 2020, 03:03:22 PM »

Pray tell, how in the world do you know what his frame of mind was?

Marina tells us (through Priscilla) in this quote from “Marina and Lee”:

The Dallas papers of Thursday, April 11, ran front-page stories about the attempt on Walker’s life. Lee left the apartment to buy both morning and afternoon editions and lay on the sofa listening to news bulletins on the radio. It was reported that the police had identified the bullet as a 30.06. It was also reported that an aide to the general had noticed two men in a “late-model, unlicensed car” in the alley behind Walker’s house on the night of his return. After the shooting, a fourteen-year-old boy, Kirk Newman, who was a neighbor of Walker’s, claimed that he had seen two cars, one with one man in it, the other with several, speed away from the scene. Reading that, Lee roared with laughter. “Americans are so spoiled!” he said, proud of his escape. “It never occurs to them that you might use your own two legs. They always think you have a car. They chased a car. And here I am sitting here!” Once again he said that before any car left the scene, “my legs had carried me a long way.”2 Lee also laughed at the police identification of the badly smashed bullet.3 “They got the bullet—found it in the chimney,” he said. “They say I had a .30 caliber bullet when I didn’t at all. They’ve got the bullet and the rifle all wrong. Can’t even figure that out. What fools!”

Oh please, do us a favor....

A book written by a CIA assett in 1977..... really? LOL

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Oswald's sack in the Sniper's nest.
« Reply #194 on: March 05, 2020, 03:12:45 PM »
Q... Pray tell, how in the world do you know what his frame of mind was?
A... Marina tells us (through Priscilla) in this quote from “Marina and Lee”:
And there you have it...The truth according to the gospel of Priscilla Johnson McMillan.
A stalwart account that is the apparent sequel to Portrait of the Assassin.
Added to the collection is The Adventures of the Tooth Fairy and The Many Travels of Hansel and Gretel.   

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald's sack in the Sniper's nest.
« Reply #194 on: March 05, 2020, 03:12:45 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Oswald's sack in the Sniper's nest.
« Reply #195 on: March 05, 2020, 03:28:49 PM »
Oh please, do us a favor....

A book written by a CIA assett in 1977..... really? LOL

While I agree with your skepticism concerning Priscilla the CIA agent.....  I do believe this account of Lee's reaction to the news reports rings of truth.

I believe that he was alert, and wanted to be ready to flee for Cuba, at the first hint that the police were tracking him.  Thus he was listening to the radio reports.

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Oswald's sack in the Sniper's nest.
« Reply #196 on: March 05, 2020, 03:30:18 PM »
Oh please, do us a favor....

A book written by a CIA assett in 1977..... really? LOL

Expected response, you don’t like the message so you try to attack the messenger. Yawn...

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald's sack in the Sniper's nest.
« Reply #196 on: March 05, 2020, 03:30:18 PM »

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Oswald's sack in the Sniper's nest.
« Reply #197 on: March 05, 2020, 04:15:16 PM »
Expected response, you don’t like the message so you try to attack the messenger. Yawn...

Hey, if you blindly want to accept what Priscilla Johnson McMillan wrote then have at it, but don't present it as evidence of what Oswald's frame of mind was when he left for New Orleans, because it simply isn't.

The book was published 14 years after the event and you have no idea what Marina really said or just how much she was influenced by PJM. The woman was a CIA asset for many years which, in my opinion, does her credibility no good whatsoever.

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Oswald's sack in the Sniper's nest.
« Reply #198 on: March 05, 2020, 04:27:27 PM »
While I agree with your skepticism concerning Priscilla the CIA agent.....  I do believe this account of Lee's reaction to the news reports rings of truth.

I believe that he was alert, and wanted to be ready to flee for Cuba, at the first hint that the police were tracking him.  Thus he was listening to the radio reports.

Walt, any attempt to crawl inside the mind of Oswald is futile.

People talk about this guy as if they knew him personally and intimately, when they didn't. They base their opinions on what they have been told about him by biased and/or questionable sources. To me, anybody who writes a book about Oswald for the purpose of financial gains is a questionable source unless the quality of the work proves otherwise.

There is so much about the whole JFK murder narrative that is questionable, contradictory or simply not true, that you can not accept any kind of information about the man at face value.

Just take yourself as example... Just how many people around you do really know you so intimately that they can say anything authoritative about your frame of mind at any given time?

Yet, here we all are shaping our opinions about Oswald based on second hand information, guesses and our own bias in considering him either guilty or innocent.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2020, 04:54:09 PM by Martin Weidmann »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald's sack in the Sniper's nest.
« Reply #198 on: March 05, 2020, 04:27:27 PM »

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Oswald's sack in the Sniper's nest.
« Reply #199 on: March 05, 2020, 04:51:32 PM »
Walt, any attempt to crawl inside the mind of Oswald is futile.

People talk about this guy as if they knew him personally and intimately, when they didn't. They base their opinions on what they have been told about him by biased and/or questionable sources. To me, anybody who writes a book about Oswald for the purpose of financial gains is a questionable source unless the quality of the works proves otherwise.

There is so much about the whole JFK murder narrative that is questionable, contradictory or simply not true, that you can not accept any kind of information about the man at face value.

Just take yourself as example... Just how many people around you do really know you so intimately that they can say anything authoritative about your frame of mind at any given time?

Yet, here we all are shaping our opinions about Oswald based on second hand information, guesses and our own bias in considering him either guilty or innocent.

Yet, you are the one who began directing the conversation in this direction by acting like you knew something about his frame of mind...

You are missing the point. Sure, many people travel with firearms, but how many of those have just used that weapon to shoot somebody? It's about Oswald's frame of mind. Having just tried to kill a man with that rifle, would he risk transporting it in a duffelbag with the barrel sticking out? I seriously doubt it....

But it is once again clear that you are using biased speculation to try to shape the narrative towards your own opinion.


We can form opinions about his frame of mind based on his actions. Do you have any credible evidence that Marina or Priscilla didn't tell the truth about LHO laughing at the newspaper reports on 4/11/63?