Notice how John Mytton dropped out of his own topic as soon as it was discovered that he was busted for taking credit for Patrick Jackson's moves.
From the very FIRST post in this thread.
Btw I can't find the poster who originally found this groundbreaking evidence but if it was you, tell me and I will credit you! 
This is the very reason I haven't been posting very often.
The majority All of the CTs here are so blinded by their paranoia that they lack the ability for rational debate and instead of making this about the evidence they keep attacking the messenger, and the way this thread has descended into chaos is ironically the perfect example.
After half a century not 1 conspiracy theory has been proved, not 1 person has come forward and claimed responsibility for any of these wacky theories, it's just accusation after accusation and a plethora of innocent people are just thrown onto the fire. Whereas all of the official investigations time after time, come to the same rock solid conclusion, go figure.