Frazier said he saw him carry it into the building.
Will remind the readers of Wes Frazier testimony----
Mr. BALL - Now we have over here this exhibit for identification which is 364 which is a paper sack made out of tape, sort of a home made affair. Will you take a look at this.........Will you take a look at it as to the length. Does it appear to be about the same length?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir. .................
Mr. BALL - The dark bag is Commission Exhibit No. 142.
When you were shown this bag, do you recall whether or not you told the officers who showed you the bag--did you tell them whether you thought it was or was not about the same length as the bag you saw on the back seat?
Mr. FRAZIER - I told them that as far as the length there, I told them that was entirely too long.
Mr. BALL - The dark bag is Commission Exhibit No. 142.
WHOA!!... Wait, Jest a goldang minute..... The Bag that the FBI displayed to Frazier on Sunday morning was NOT CE 142..... CE 142 had been sent to the FBI lab in Washington early SaPersonay morning....The FBI examined it and stained it a very dark brown in the process of looking for gun oil or finger prints.....They had CE 142 I Washington DC on Sunday morning when the FBI agents took a brown paper bag out to the Randle house and displayed it to Linnie Mae Randle and her brother Buell Frazier.....
When you were shown this bag, do you recall whether or not you told the officers who showed you the bag-PS....The FBI found not one iota of gun oil in the bag......