Marina Oswald testified that she took the backyard photos of Lee Oswald with a rifle (and pistol).
Marina only recalled taking ONE BY photo.....They tricked her into saying that she might have taken two photos..... But there are three BY photos,... so even if Marina did take both CE 133A and CE 133B....( and I believe she did take only CE 133A). Who took 133c 
If Maria took one (of the backyard photos) she took them all. Any speculative alternative is absurd.
Any speculative alternative is absurd.But this speculative conclusion, based solely on what Marina said, isn't absurd?
Marina Oswald testified that Lee Oswald had a rifle in New Orleans.
Yes, But was it the same rifle that she'd seen in Dallas? IMO it was not.....
What other rifle would it be than the rifle in the backyard photos that Maria took with Lee Oswald's Imperial Reflex Camera?
IMO means nothing.
IMO means nothing.Indeed, it means nothing at all. Anything Marina said after Hoover promised her on 11/29/63 that she could stay in the country if she "cooperated" means absolutely nothing.
There isn't a shred of credible evidence that Oswald had a rifle in New Orleans. There also is no credible evidence to show conclusively that the rifle in the BY photo is in fact the MC rifle found at the TSBD or that it is the rifle that Oswald allegedly had in New Orleans and later allegedly stored in Ruth Paine's garage. All that is pure selfserving speculation.
Marina Oswald testified that Lee Oswald had a rifle stored in a blanket in the Paine's garage.
Marina never actually saw a rifle in the blanket....She saw something that she thought might have been the carcano, but she couldn't verify that it was the carcano.
Considering Marina Oswald's existing knowledge of "a" rifle owned and possessed by Lee (at Neely Street), it's the same rifle he obtained by mail-order from Kleins Chicago. Marina Oswald was not a firearms expert. When all her statements about Oswald's rifle are considered together: Marina's concern that Lee Oswald might have used it to kill President Kennedy is believable.
More speculation. All Marina really knew is that Oswald had a rifle at Neely Street. Never has she confirmed that he bought it at Klein's or that he actually owned it. Having a rifle and even being photographed with it, some six months prior to a murder, doesn't automatically make that particular rifle the murder weapon. Marina may not have been a firearms expert, but she does have eyes and can observe things. On Friday evening she was shown the MC rifle found at the TSBD and she failed to identify it as "Oswald's rifle", because it had a scope and, according to her, "Oswald's rifle" didn't. That's first day evidence which is so often ignored by those who later concocted the office narrative and those who believe it.
When all her statements about Oswald's rifle are considered together: Marina's concern that Lee Oswald might have used it to kill President Kennedy is believable.You might consider it believable, but IMO anything coming from Marina, after she was grilled and manipulated by investigators for weeks, lacks all credibility and her concerns are irrelevant. And besides, she has since gone on record saying that she doesn't believe Oswald killed anybody.
Marina Oswald spoke about "the fateful rifle" of Lee Oswald.
Yes, and she was speaking in Russian, .....It's reported that she said ...." So this is the fateful rifle of Lee Oswald ?" I doubt that anybody but Marina could know what she meant.
Russian smushin: She said it.
Russian smushin: She said it.Really? Were you there and do you speak Russian? Or did somebody just tell you that?
You jump to conclusions way too fast and often based on highly questionable "evidence"! Confirmation bias at work!