They took the testimony from Tomlinson, the man who found a bullet on a strecher at Parkland Hospital, before they introduced the bullet into evidence as CE399. As the bullet was not in evidence when Tomlinson testified, they never showed him CE399 or asked him to identify it. The reason is obvious; they couldn't risk that Tomlinson would deny that CE399 is the bullet he found.
Mr. STOMBAUGH. Yes, sir; I am. My mark is here on the blanket, and when this was received in the FBI laboratory this string was around a portion of it.Mr. EISENBERG. Could you tell us what your mark is exactly, Mr. Stombaugh?Mr. STOMBAUGH. Due to the fact this was a piece of fabric and hard to mark, I put a piece of evidence tape on the blanket, stapled it to the blanket, and put my initials "PMS" with the date 11-23-63 thereon.Mr. EISENBERG. When did you receive this blanket, Mr. Stombaugh?Mr. STOMBAUGH. This was approximately 7:30 a.m., on the morning of November 23, 1963.
I wonder if CE399 came from JFKs stretcher? That would radically alter the single bullet theory.
Off topic, but, yes, CE399 came from JFK's stretcher.
J C Day said as much in his testimony---"To the best of my knowledge" basically means he was told what to say
No he didn’t say any such thing. And who taught you English vocabulary? I suggest you consult a dictionary.