It would help you [but probably not] to know that there have been many, many cases where the official story of the case has been wrong or incorrect, or swept under the rug to reach a foregone conclusion. One very good example is the Ramsey case. Despite all evidence that there was no intruder in the family house and it was an inside job, the family, with the help of hiring a bevy of lawyers, was able to twist and turn the story to push the intruder story. And of course the gullible media to this day has lapped it up.
There are too many inconsistencies and implausibilities in the Kennedy case to accept the official story no questions asked. Marina Oswald was immediately sequestered by police and the FBI and coached months later about what to say. There are detailed articles about this out there, so look it up. The finding of the BYP are odd as well. Again, there are plenty of good articles out there about that.
Despite not recording a single interview with LHO during that weekend, he said what he said. The photos were not of him, someone pasted his face on another's body and he could show how it's done. And he had a right to present that during his day in court but sadly he never got that chance.
As for the experts, there are plenty of "experts" out there that do all kinds of "scientific" measures but in the final analysis can and will come to a foregone conclusion. Just because they use some million-dollar piece of machinery to analyze them does not mean they're always right. This applies to the experts on the other side of the fence. Again, like the Ramsey case, this happened with the RN's writing analysis. The kicker, for me, for that case was to see the mother actually sit during a recorded deposition and repeatedly deny over and over again examples of her own handwriting.
Oswald didn't lie about everything. He blurted out that he lived in Russia (true) and he also blurted out that he was a patsy (also true). He was no dummy and knew as events unfolded throughout the weekend what was shaping up for him.
It is amazing how you people think you can just make evidence disappear. Just deny things, refute empirical and technical evidence - without showing where it's wrong - and just ignore it.Actually, Steve, it's the other way around. It's people like you who most probably don't like the Kennedys and, therefore, you're biased about the case because you simply cannot see beyond the official story.
Here is one of my favorite photos from the case. What you're seeing here is not Bob Groden and Dave Lifton in Dealey Plaza goofing around. What you're seeing are FBI officials conducting their official investigation of the case by recreating the shots. Let's forget for a moment, which people like you ALWAYS bring up when this photo is shown, that the car is not the same. Let's forget, too, that the Kennedy stand in may be too high or the Connolly guy may be too low. These don't matter at all here.
What matters is this - the FBI guys have 100% access to the autopsy record and photos. This is mere months after 11/22. So basing their work on this official record, they say, "OK, let's put a sticker on the Kennedy guy based on the bullet that hit him in the back." And because they knew that based on the official record, there was NO bullet of entry or exit in that rear sticker ABOVE the back wound. Therefore, that sticker on the rear neck is where the THROAT wound is. In other words, the wound that Kennedy in the front in his throat.
So now thy're like, "Great! But wait a minute. How in the xxxx could this lower sticker exit UPWARD and out of the front in the throat area when the shot is coming DOWNWARD?!"
So Steve, try to explain that. But you see, Steve, you won't so, therefore, you'll just ignore it. And the reason why you'll ignore it is simply because you can't logically and plausibly explain how that could physically happen.