In order to believe Oswald didn't shoot JFK one has to believe in some pretty strange happenings including some incredibly bad luck on his part, some incredibly fortuitous luck on the part of the conspirators, and a nearly unlimited capability of the people who framed him, killed JFK, and then kept it all quiet for all of these years.
You have to believe in part that all of the eyewitnesses lied or were coerced or were wrong, all of the evidence - forensic, ballistic, fingerprint, handwriting, photographic - is wrong or corrupt and that alternative explanations on what happened somehow are not only possible but were carried out. And then kept quiet.
We can add the element of time: time is, after all, the chief enemy of conspiracies because over time the acts are revealed, people talk, evidence is found; but time is also paradoxically the enemy of conspiracy theories because over time the acts aren't revealed and people don't talk: a negative is essentially proven. Evidence that should show the conspiracy is not discovered.
As Robert Oswald said about the assassination, asking questions is good, raising doubt is fine, but after the tenth time, the twentieth, it's enough: Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK.
In order to swallow the Oswald pill and believe he did shoot, one would have to ignore their common sense and own eyes.
Everyone saw the head shot come from the front. But because the habitual lying government claims Oswald did it from behind, the swallowers swallow it up. Maybe one of the 2 men with rifles behind Zapruder could tell you who shot him. Yes, those 2 men were there. What a coincidence that's where the shot came from. :/
But let's ignore our eyes and believe the Marine who couldn't shoot worth a spombleprofglidnoctobuns did it with a 40 inch rifle that the Army experts said wasn't capable of shooting in its condition. And even though Oswald ordered a 36 inch rifle, and the order shows a 36 inch rifle was sent, we'll just ignore the fact a 40 inch rifle was found, so we can swallow the Oswald tale.
The tale that a Marine, who could have positioned himself on the roof, rather do it from a window, at his work. And even though Oswald claimed he was on the 1st floor having lunch and was able to magically know the only 2 other people who were in there, we'll just ignore our common sense. Oswald must have been a psychic to guess who was in the 1st floor lunch room while he was busy shooting the president in the front of his head from behind, on the 6th floor. :/
And this is the magical part where Oswald somehow makes it all the way home to get a gun a murder a cop within 30 minutes. Actually less than that.
I lived in Dallas and I took the bus to my girlfriends house in Oak Cliff all the time. I know exactly how long the damn bus takes. If you really think Oswald could have shot the president at 12:30. Then took the elevator to the 1st floor to buy a coke. Then went down to the 1st floor where he was stopped by a cop, chatted with police, then walked out the front a few blocks to the bus stop (which had to be 12:45 by then), wait for the bus traveling through presidential motorcade traffic, hop on the bus, ride it a few stops, then get off, then hail a taxi (which had to be close to 1:00 by then).
But why would he leave the safety of a bus, after shooting the president? That's beyond me. It was the safest place he could have been. But he decides to get off, find a taxi, and then travel through the motorcade traffic and at least 12 stop lights to Oak Cliff.
All in time to go home, grab a gun and a jacket, then walk the 15 minutes to kill a cop (who was killed around 1:10).
Then he ditches his jacket, but not the gun, to go see a movie.

There's no way in hell Oswald could have done all that in 30 minutes. And if you think he could, then take your butt to downtown Dallas and get on a bus to Oak Cliff. See how long it takes you without a presidential motorcade.
And why the hell would Oswald even need a jacket when it was barely 1:00 in the afternoon in hot ass Texas? He was already wearing a long sleeve flannel shirt, which he was arrested in. How in gods name does any of that make sense to grown ass people? LOL It's just ridiculous.
I'm sure the 2 men behind Zapruder with rifles would agree.
And then the police, who haven't even done an investigation, or tested finger prints, or anything else, automatically know who their man is. All because a trained Marine left as much evidence as possible. smh Just wow.