Yes, we know. Seen it all before, countless times. And it doesn't change anything.
The Alyea film shows a Carcano, no ifs, ands, or buts.
The rifle shown in press photos as it left the TSBD was a Carcano, no ifs, ands, or buts.
The rifle in evidence is a Carcano.
The contrafactuals are Weitzman's and Boone's affidavits and reports of interviews all taken within the first day or two after the assassination, and an assertion by Roger Craig 10 years after the fact.
Boone says that he only said "Mauser" because he heard someone else say it, so he's no authority.
Weitzman testified that he was the guy who said it, but said he was mistaken, which would mean that Boone was, too.
No one has even come close to establishing that either Boone or Weitzman knew enough about firearms to tell a Carcano from a Mauser from a Mannlicher from a Schmidt-Rubin from an Enfield, etc.
That leaves Craig, but Craig's 1973 story about seeing "7.65 Mauser" on the barrel is directly contradicted by his earlier, 1968 story that he didn't know what the rifle was. Not to mention all those years of not having mentioned "7.65 Mauser" at all.
There is film and photo on one side. On the other, a guy who only repeated what he'd heard someone else say, a guy who just said he made a mistake, and some dude who really couldn't get his story straight.