Maybe it actually happened. You can't expect that the small amount of remaining Alyea footage captured everything that happened.
Maybe it actually happened. Virtually everybody who was present after the rifle was discovered, said that nobody touched the rifle before Lt Day picked it off the floor. If Weitzman had picked up the rifle he probably would have been fired on the spot. I seriously doubt that Weitzman ever had his hands on the carcano..... However There is a very real possibilty that Weitzman examined a 7.65 Mauser that he had been told was the rifle that he and Boone had discovered. Recall that initially the authorities were adamant that the rifle was a Mauser....and many news reports said that the rifle was a Mauser.
A1bert Sawyers report sounds as though Weitzman was given a Mauser and asked to describe it....Which he did...and his description seems to be describing a 7.65 Mauser....NOT the carcano. One of the most interesting points is Weitzman saying the the rear of the bolt was damaged ..... The bolt of the carcano ( C2766) is definitely NOT damaged.....
I can only speculate that by SaPersonay the conspirators were getting very nervous and knew that they had no case against Lee Oswald....Thus they might have been preparing to present the Mauser as the murder weapon or the weapon of Lee Oswald's acomplice.....