What's the point ( or points) that you're attempting to make?
Thanks for posting Sawyer's report. The part enclosed in red is the pertinent part.
Mr Weitzman described the rifle which was found Where and when was this rifle found ??
as a 7.65 caliber bolt action rifle which loads from a five shot clip which is locked on the underside of the receiver forward of the trigger guard. This clearly describes a 7.65 Argentine mauser.
The metal parts of this rifle were of gun metal color , gray or blue.The TSBD carcano's metal was blue.
and the rear portion of the bolt was visibly worn. The rear of the bolt on the carcano is NOT visibly worn.
The wooden portions of this rifle were dark brown in color and of rough wood,The wooden stock of the carcano is black and it is NOT rough wood.
apparently having been used or damaged to considerable extent. The carcano stock is not battered or damaged....
This rifle is equipped with a four power scope of apparent Japanese manufacture. The scope on the Carcano is clearly marked ..."MADE IN JAPAN"
It is also equipped with a thick brown-black leather bandolier type sling The Carcano has a light duty black leather finished, carry strap the backside of the strap is unfinished rough tan leather.... it is NOT a bandolier type sling.
After he observed the rifle to the extent described above Captain Fritz appeared and took the rifle from him.HUH??? This doesn't fit with any other witness report ......
He did not make note of any serial number on the rifle.
He observed Captain Fritz eject one rifle round of ammunition from this rifle. Really?

Fritz would have given a loaded rifle to Weitzman??
At this point he discontinued his search of the sixth floor of the building.