Let's "JFK" up this thread.
Ole Joe committed during last night's debate to choosing a female running mate. In 1960, JFK was the talent, the draw, the one to inspire voters, especially women, to show up at the polls!
Joe will be 35 years older than JFK was on the day JFK assumed office. JFK needed to balance the ticket by filling in his weakest geographical area, the south.
By selecting his competition in the nominating process, LBJ, JFK actually accomplished a "twofer". By inviting LBJ to join the ticket, he attracted as many southern voters as was possible no matter who the
son of the south was that he settled on. JFK was quite familiar with the democratic Senate majority leader, LBJ, and anticipated LBJ would be a stronger ally as V.P. than if left to continue controlling the Senate.
Joe Biden does not need a former prosecutor or a black running mate. This eliminates Ms. Klobuchar and Kamela. What Joe surely needs is a woman who can draw Hispanics off their couches and to the polls, if they still have a home to house a couch in, eight months from now, in the waning days of Trump's "American Carnage".
So, who should he choose? AOC is too young to assume the office of POTUS if Joe is unable to serve through his first term and is Elizabeth Warren without the detailed plans Warrren has spent years putting together, detailed on paper.
Who is an ideal female Hispanic who has the experience and gravitas to succeed Joe Biden if it became necessary, is not a former prosecutor, and has not praised Castro.
I'm liking "Jay Lo" or perhaps Gloria Estefan, a youthful 62 year old, compared to Joe's 78. Ms. Estefan can also attract "woke" second generation Cubans of NJ and Miami, who tend towards conservative but can smell an authoritarian when they encounter one, and vote democrat, instead.