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Author Topic: Am I the only CT here who can meet the LN's more than half way? If not ...  (Read 57630 times)

Offline Zeon Wasinsky

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Re: Am I the only CT here who can meet the LN's more than half way? If not ...
« Reply #104 on: February 17, 2018, 03:49:18 AM »
There is one conspiracy theory I have that probably LN might accept and that is that someone figured out Oswald was a Bipolar personality, and possibly OCD, after the Walker shooting, so they figured if they could put Oswald in proximity to a target that he would feel compelled to shoot at, because of his mental illness, then he probably  would do so.

So they  set up a job for him, in the TSBD, or they found out he had a job in TSBD and because of their connection to LBJ, were able to suggest the route for the JFK motorcade should pass by TSBD.  Then all this conspirator has to do is  sit back, make sure his building has no security and allow his Oswald employee have access to all floors. Then its just a matter of probability, and the conspirator(s) may have actually calculated  the probability was "high" that the Oswald nut would  take a shot at the POTUS motorcade.

That conspirator could have been the owner of TSBD, David Harold Byrd, who certainly was in the camp of rightwing element that disliked JFK and probably considered JFK was a traitor. After the tragic event, Byrd, removed the window frame he thought was the sniper window and hung it in his gallery of dead animal heads.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2018, 03:54:10 AM by Zeon Wasinsky »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Am I the only CT here who can meet the LN's more than half way? If not ...
« Reply #104 on: February 17, 2018, 03:49:18 AM »

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: Am I the only CT here who can meet the LN's more than half way? If not ...
« Reply #105 on: February 17, 2018, 06:18:22 AM »

There is one conspiracy theory I have that probably LN might accept and that is that someone figured out Oswald was a Bipolar personality, and possibly OCD, after the Walker shooting, so they figured if they could put Oswald in proximity to a target that he would feel compelled to shoot at, because of his mental illness, then he probably  would do so.

So they  set up a job for him, in the TSBD, or they found out he had a job in TSBD and because of their connection to LBJ, were able to suggest the route for the JFK motorcade should pass by TSBD.  Then all this conspirator has to do is  sit back, make sure his building has no security and allow his Oswald employee have access to all floors. Then its just a matter of probability, and the conspirator(s) may have actually calculated  the probability was "high" that the Oswald nut would  take a shot at the POTUS motorcade.

That conspirator could have been the owner of TSBD, David Harold Byrd, who certainly was in the camp of rightwing element that disliked JFK and probably considered JFK was a traitor. After the tragic event, Byrd, removed the window frame he thought was the sniper window and hung it in his gallery of dead animal heads.

No. This is one LNer who does not accept this conspiracy theory. Because if it is true than the following people were all involved in the conspiracy:

** Buell Frazier ? who agreed to move over one hundred miles to move in with his sister?s family. Without this, the job for Oswald would not be discovered.

** Linnie Randle ? who invited Buell Frazier to come live with her family. Without this, Buell Frazier would never get a job in the Dallas area.

** Dorothy Roberts ? who invited some neighbors to come over for coffee. Without her, Ruth Paine would not meet Linnie Randle.

** Ruth Paine ? who, at Dorothy Roberts little get together, apparently discovered a possible job for Oswald at the TSBD.

Plus, we need a few other people involved. Like the husband of Linnie Randle. And the Employment agency that steered Buell Frazier to a job at the TSBD. And Mr. Truly, the TSBD supervisor, because if he doesn?t hire both Buell Frazier and Oswald, the whole intricate plot falls apart.


Am I to believe that all these people were part of this conspiracy?

Am I to believe everyone in Texas was a part of this conspiracy?

No conspiracy that selects Oswald to take part before mid-October 1963, makes sense.

Offline Steve Thomas

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Re: Am I the only CT here who can meet the LN's more than half way? If not ...
« Reply #106 on: February 17, 2018, 07:12:28 AM »
If they had Lee dead to rights and soon to be dead in cuffs
they wouldn't have needed Molina at all.  Let alone interrogate him
for six hours.  A patsy if needed?


Don't overlook a common police interrogation technique. Treat all suspects as if they are guilty and force them to prove they are innocent.
See the FBI  interview of William Chambers. Captain Jones pulls him aside and instructs him that when interrogating the three tramps,
 "Find out which one shot the President".

 FBI 124-10179-10312
page 2

That's the way Buell Wesley Frazier was treated. That's the way Joe Molina was treated.

Steve Thomas

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Am I the only CT here who can meet the LN's more than half way? If not ...
« Reply #106 on: February 17, 2018, 07:12:28 AM »

Offline Bill Brown

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Re: Am I the only CT here who can meet the LN's more than half way? If not ...
« Reply #107 on: February 17, 2018, 08:52:55 AM »


Not the entire DPD....  But some of the Key conspirators were high ranking officers at the DPD....  Captain Fritz was right at the top.

What exactly do you believe Fritz did, related to being a conspirator?

Controlled the investigators subordinate to him..... And those subordinates destroyed the original photos and substituted "reconstructed photos" and then presented them as authentic photos .

That is evidence tampering and it is a felony....

He said that he took no notes during the interrogation of Lee Oswald....  You've seen the notes he scribbled....So at the least he was a damned liar....

As for the notes, Fritz could have put those down after the interrogations, based on memory.

I was asking though, in your opinion, was Fritz directly involved in framing Lee Oswald?  Did Fritz know about the assassination beforehand?

I believe that he did.....

And yet, after the assassination happens, Fritz then (apparently at the very extreme last minute) tries to add Buell Frazier as one of the patsies?

Offline Dan DAlimonte

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Re: Am I the only CT here who can meet the LN's more than half way? If not ...
« Reply #108 on: February 17, 2018, 01:19:54 PM »

Don't overlook a common police interrogation technique. Treat all suspects as if they are guilty and force them to prove they are innocent.
See the FBI  interview of William Chambers. Captain Jones pulls him aside and instructs him that when interrogating the three tramps,
 "Find out which one shot the President".

 FBI 124-10179-10312
page 2

That's the way Buell Wesley Frazier was treated. That's the way Joe Molina was treated.

Steve Thomas

I agree with you, Steve, but if the screws were put to Frazier and Molina with this common police interrogation technique that tells me the DPD didn't know the quote unquote - truth - beforehand
as some Ct's around here like to claim.  They do seem to be investigating as they should, not assisting 
to arrive to a pre set conclusion.     Btw ... can you imagine if one did cave in under the pressure ...
Okay, okay.  I helped Ozzie do it. I can't take this anymore.   What would the police say?  Oops ...

(Now we've got to find a way to incorporate these guys when we're already having enough trouble
trying to make it look like Oswald did it alone.)   
« Last Edit: February 17, 2018, 01:32:37 PM by Dan DAlimonte »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Am I the only CT here who can meet the LN's more than half way? If not ...
« Reply #108 on: February 17, 2018, 01:19:54 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Am I the only CT here who can meet the LN's more than half way? If not ...
« Reply #109 on: February 17, 2018, 01:33:21 PM »
According to a fellow who wasn't paying much attention.

A sack that delicate makes me wonder why he would go through ALL that trouble to open the back door and lay it across the back seat. The first heavy braking would send it flying forward off the seat. Better just putting it on your lap, like a normal person would do.

A sack that delicate makes me wonder why he would go through ALL that trouble to open the back door and lay it across the back seat. The first heavy braking would send it flying forward off the seat. Better just putting it on your lap, like a normal person would do.

You wonder and fret over a trivial action like a man placing his lunch on the back seat??   And refer to that simple act as "ALL that trouble"....and then postulate that  the sack would "fly off the seat" during the breakneck Baja race to the TSBD.

C'mon Jerry.....  You're makin yourself look like a weak minded moron.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Am I the only CT here who can meet the LN's more than half way? If not ...
« Reply #110 on: February 17, 2018, 01:49:01 PM »
I agree with you, Steve, but if the screws were put to Frazier and Molina with this common police interrogation technique that tells me the DPD didn't know the quote unquote - truth - beforehand
as some Ct's around here like to claim.  They do seem to be investigating as they should, not assisting 
to arrive to a pre set conclusion.     Btw ... can you imagine if one did cave in under the pressure ...
Okay, okay.  I helped Ozzie do it. I can't take this anymore.   What would the police say?  Oops ...

(Now we've got to find a way to incorporate these guys when we're already having enough trouble
trying to make it look like Oswald did it alone.)

 They do seem to be investigating

You're blind.....

Offline Jon Banks

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Re: Am I the only CT here who can meet the LN's more than half way? If not ...
« Reply #111 on: February 17, 2018, 02:41:48 PM »
Oswald was involved. Others were involved too IMO.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Am I the only CT here who can meet the LN's more than half way? If not ...
« Reply #111 on: February 17, 2018, 02:41:48 PM »