Of course, he coordinated all of this with the Queen of England and the British monarchy.
The JFK assassination is just a vehicle, an event, that many people use to go after whatever demons are in their heads. The CIA, the FBI, the Queen of England (?!).
Nobody takes this seriously but I do wish sometimes that you clowns got another hobby. I mean, the Queen of England and LBJ got together to kill JFK?
The monarchy and their minnions would set the momentum, for the killing, the brit media would be so powerful that they would control the minds of their fellow protestants in America through various communications (all of that anti Russian/Communist crap etc). just look at how they went after lady Diana, by hounding her they caused her death.
It was a similar scenario, with JFK they set the standards to allow his death take place.
What was that Presidential car called the queen victoria was it? for the SS to even joke about naming the car after a royal, shows the influence that they had on American politics.
The brits might have lost the war with the yanks a few years prior, but they then came back in through the back door, to gain more control,more than they could ever have reached on the battlefield, but you could never understand this though you are Eastern European oblivous to Western tactics, of regime change, they did it in Iraq, Libya and countless other places, the attempts on Syria at the moment is a perfect example.
JFK's murder was a regime change wanted and manufactured by the brits &their followers that's all it was, only without physical invasion, they used the likes of the KKK to do the dirty work, just as they use the FSA and ISIS etc in modern times, it stops them from the hassle and openness of putting boots on the ground.
They don't have to sacrifce their own either, in the process.
Wise up lad see the bigger picture and keep an open mind,, all of that so called minute evidence was easy to manipulate.
P.S I am also a great golf player.