Roman, Tom G. is 76 years old. He's just bored and is here for the spombleprofglidnoctobunss and giggles. He has no interest at all in this case, which goes back to the spombleprofglidnoctobunss and giggles. Though I do remember him posting some pretty interesting non-Russian stuff on other forums in years past. Though I myself have never clicked on any ignore button on any forum, your best bet is to save your energy and post to more meaningful stuff than Tom's.
All you have to do, too, is see how many posts he's done on this forum.
Dear Mike,
Are you still worshiping anti-American James "Jumbo Duh" DiEugenio and his coterie at the so-called Education Forum?
Do you think that somewhere along the line I got disinterested in it?
Or ... gasp ... maybe The Agency made me an offer I couldn't refuse?
James "Jumbo Duh" DiEugenio -- the highschool history teacher who has never met a Communist he didn't like.
In bed now with Oliver "I Like Putin and My Son Works for RT" Stone.
-- MWT

PS How could I have "no interest" in this case if, as you say, I used to post some pretty interesting "non-Russian" stuff on it?
Have you already made up your mind that the humanitarian organization known as the KGB wouldn't have even thought of training / programming Oswald in the USSR, or of recruiting him a few years earlier in Japan?
PPS The next time you speak with your buddy, Bill Simpich, ask him why he considers Eusebio Azcue's describing, to the HSCA, the Oswald he'd dealt with at the Cuban consulate the way he did (i.e., just like KGB Colonel Nikolai Leonov) was "just a red herring".
Does he think Azcue was working for the CIA?
PPPS Did you ever get a handle on why the correct identification of Gloria Calvery in Zapruder and Darnell might be important for "serious researchers" (like you!) to know?
Or do I have to explain that to you all over again?