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Author Topic: From a CT point of view, the reason for my three "CT nightmare questions" ...  (Read 5554 times)

Offline Jorn Frending

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I suggest that CTs for at least a moment consider the possibility of Oswald being an INTELLIGENCE ASSET.

You should consider this because as explained in my nightmare number one question, setting up Oswald as a totally innocent citizen was virtually impossible since he could have been anywhere when the shooting took place and preparing the snipers nest and planting the rifle required a lot of planning. Not controlling Oswalds whereabouts was thus too risky.

So, either this, or Oswald did in fact do it.

Oswald being an intelligence asset explains why the government wanted to stop any further investigation regarding Oswald from the very beginning with the help of the Katzenbach Memo. Had it been known ongoing operations in Nicaragua, Cuba and the USSR could be in danger.

Oswald was a small 9 to 5 spy in counter intelligence and I'll explain my reasons to believing this.

To be continued ...

Oswald was trying to infiltrate the Pro Castro environment by posing as a FAIR PLAY FOR CUBA activist.

Since I am trying to lay out a pattern which makes sense I'll ask you: How come that Oswald got such media attention with heavy TV cameras on the streets and being interviewed in the Radio by just handing out a few leaflets in the street at only one occasion?

(In one interview Oswald talks about Ghana and I believe Kennedy received the president of Ghana on friendly terms why Oswald would have even less motives to kill Kennedy)

Why would Oswald define himself as as MARXIST LENINIST rather than as a communist? Is there a specific reason for this or is it a coincidence?

(MARXIST LENINIST's believe more in a "dictatorship of the proletariats" where as in the Sovjet Regime you would allow for a privileged class so to speak)

Ruth Paine would know the difference since she apparently supervised or monitored the help organizations in Nicaragua and the Sandinistas happend to be exactly this, MARXIST LENINIST and the area was full of Sovjet and US spies.

To be favoured by the Pro Castro's it was convenient to Oswald do call himself a Marxist LENINIST, because this was how Castro defined himself! So you see the pattern?

Taking all this into consideration it is not farfetched to believe that Oswald could have furnished Michael Paine with information regarding the Pro Castro's since that it is first day evidence that Michael Paine had a file cabinet with information on precisely Pro Castro's.

To be continued ...
« Last Edit: April 08, 2020, 04:13:11 PM by Jorn Frending »

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Offline Walt Cakebread

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Oswald was trying to infiltrate the Pro Castro environment by posing as a FAIR PLAY FOR CUBA activist.

Since I am trying to lay out a pattern which makes sense I'll ask you: How come that Oswald got such media attention with heavy TV cameras on the streets and being interviewed in the Radio by just handing out a few leaflets in the street at only one occasion?

(In one interview Oswald talks about Ghana and I believe Kennedy received the president of Ghana on friendly terms why Oswald would have even less motives to kill Kennedy)

Why would Oswald define himself as as MARXIST LENINIST rather than as a communist? Is there a specific reason for this or is it a coincidence?

(MARXIST LENINIST's believe more in a "dictatorship of the proletariats" where as in the Sovjet Regime you would allow for a privileged class so to speak)

Ruth Paine would know the difference since she apparently supervised or monitored the help organizations in Nicaragua and the Sandinistas happend to be exactly this, MARXIST LENINIST and the area was full of Sovjet and US spies.

To be favoured by the Pro Castro's it was convenient to Oswald do call himself a Marxist LENINIST, because this was how Castro defined himself! So you see the pattern?

Taking all this into consideration it is not farfetched to believe that Oswald could have furnished Michael Paine with information regarding the Pro Castro's since that it is first day evidence that Michael Paine had a file cabinet with information on precisely Pro Castro's.

To be continued ...

How come that Oswald got such media attention with heavy TV cameras on the streets and being interviewed in the Radio by just handing out a few leaflets in the street at only one occasion?

EXCELLENT QUESTION!!        Obviously some influential person( Hoover)  had persuaded the news station  that there was going to be something news worthy on the street at a given time and date.    And the TV station was there with their cameras ..... 

So the question becomes WHO would want Fidel Castro's agents  to see a young man passing out leaflets in support of Cuba??  The answer of course is a US intelligence agency ( the FBI)  who were trying to present the man as a friend of Castro.

The same reasoning applies to Lee Oswald's appearance on the Radio program "Latin Listening Post"....  They (the FBI)  knew that the program was being heard in Havana, and that was the reason they had Lee debate Carlos Brineguier ....   They ( The FBI)were presenting Lee as a Friend of Cuba, and Castro's revolution.

Offline Jorn Frending

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How come that Oswald got such media attention with heavy TV cameras on the streets and being interviewed in the Radio by just handing out a few leaflets in the street at only one occasion?

EXCELLENT QUESTION!!        Obviously some influential person( Hoover)  had persuaded the news station  that there was going to be something news worthy on the street at a given time and date.    And the TV station was there with their cameras ..... 

So the question becomes WHO would want Fidel Castro's agents  to see a young man passing out leaflets in support of Cuba??  The answer of course is a US intelligence agency ( the FBI)  who were trying to present the man as a friend of Castro.

The same reasoning applies to Lee Oswald's appearance on the Radio program "Latin Listening Post"....  They (the FBI)  knew that the program was being heard in Havana, and that was the reason they had Lee debate Carlos Brineguier ....   They ( The FBI)were presenting Lee as a Friend of Cuba, and Castro's revolution.

Thank you Walt for Your input ...

Oswald went to Japan which was under Naval Intelligence and it was apparently a former Naval Intelligence officer who took Oswald off the subversive elements watchlist shortly before the assassination so that he would not come under surveillance when Kennedy visited Dallas ...

However, we could believe that he worked under the counter intelligence of James J. Angelton and the CIA even had a file on him. It has always been strange that once Oswald returned to the US after having defected to Russia he was never debriefed or accused of having informed the Russians about the U2 spy planes located on the base I Japan. They didn't even want to know if Oswald had anything interesting to tell about the Russians.

But of course it is the FBI who presents the smoking gun which is most easy to understand since Hoover himself was worried about Oswald's name being used in intelligence operations in the US WHILE Oswald himself was STILL in Russia! It's all documented.

And since Oswald was in the civil air patrol he knew of pilots who were trafficking weapons and equipment with anti Castro Cubans controlled by David Atlee Phillips?

Since Oswald in his private life was anti Castro and befriended with De Mohrenschildt he could not have been this "little silly communist" as we are supposed to believe ...

« Last Edit: April 12, 2020, 10:51:29 AM by Jorn Frending »

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Offline Jerry Freeman

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  It's all documented.
Do you have links on all that?

Offline Jorn Frending

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Do you have links on all that?
Are you referring to Hoover? I have seen a copy of this document many times in the forum and elsewhere but since the forum broke down so much good information was lost but it should be easy to Google.

This to me is a "version light" citing from memory. My aim is to invite more researchers to consider Oswald being an intelligence asset and why this could explain a lot of things.

This could explain that a cover up on a high level was not to cover up a murder but rather to save lives and ongoing intelligence operations. The murder itself could have been committed on a much lower level.

In any case this is something to consider sharing opinions.

When I made the first "nightmare question" 9 month ago it was in order to illustrate the difficulty in Oswald being TOTALLY innocent in order to making the idea of Oswald being an intelligence asset more attractive.

Thus the statement to agree to or not: "Regardless Oswald did it or not, he was intelligence".  :)

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Offline Gerry Down

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My aim is to invite more researchers to consider Oswald being an intelligence asset and why this could explain a lot of things.

But Oswald beat his wife and couldn't get along with co-workers. No serious agency would consider Oswald as an intelligence asset.

Offline Jorn Frending

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Jerry Freeman's timeline for Oswald in Japan in this thread is actually quite interesting.,2461.0.html

On one side it allows for Oswald as has been reported to not only having participated in a MK Ultra program and having been able to be with Roscoe White in the Philippines, but also shows how Oswald was examined in his knowledge of russian in a military context.

For cold war, governmental and Intelligence reasons it makes sense for Oswald to study Russian. However, for private and political reasons Oswald would have been better off studying Spanish and concentrating his crusade on Cuba and Nicaragua.

Since this thread is mainly about laying out a pattern don't forget that Oswald after studying russian in a military context he then defects to Russia and while STILL BEING IN RUSSIA Hoover himself is worried because someone is using Oswald's name in New Orleans to purchase equipment for the anti Castro community.

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