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Author Topic: Who was the "agent" patrolman Joe Smith encountered behind grassy knoll?  (Read 26826 times)

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Who was the "agent" patrolman Joe Smith encountered behind grassy knoll?
« Reply #72 on: February 09, 2020, 09:30:15 PM »
An excellent thread, OP; and, the poll results to date are rather interesting as they are telling.

While I admire & respect Mr. Storing's penchant for honouring the late Ronald Reagan's mantra relative to trust but always verify, suffice it to say there's ample evidence from multiple sources confirming the distinctive smell of gunpowder much further down Elm Street, far removed from the TSBD.

Moreover, given Ms. Wilde's telling wind direction post, she has clearly demonstrated there's only a single source where the gunpowder smell is emanating from (lower Elm Street) ---->

Back in here later this month to see if the current poll trend holds. A safe/happy February to all.

    It's the reporting of a "gunpowder smell", (1) down Elm St,  and (2) by the DPD Cop that was positioned on the Overpass running across the Stemmons Fwy On Ramp, which support the theory that SA Hickey discharged the AR-15 Rifle he was brandishing inside The Queen Mary. If the AR-15 was fired, that weapon would have been continuously emanating a gunpowder odor as the Queen Mary traveled down Elm St as well as the general route to Parkland Hospital.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2020, 09:42:14 PM by Royell Storing »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Who was the "agent" patrolman Joe Smith encountered behind grassy knoll?
« Reply #72 on: February 09, 2020, 09:30:15 PM »

Offline Margaret Kelly

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Re: Who was the "agent" patrolman Joe Smith encountered behind grassy knoll?
« Reply #73 on: February 10, 2020, 02:52:06 AM »
reporting of a "gunpowder smell"

There would be a smell of smoke. The motorcycles had been backfiring continuously because they had been running slow for a long period of time during the motorcade procession.

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Who was the "agent" patrolman Joe Smith encountered behind grassy knoll?
« Reply #74 on: February 10, 2020, 05:43:08 AM »
There would be a smell of smoke. The motorcycles had been backfiring continuously because they had been running slow for a long period of time during the motorcade procession.

    The smell of exhaust/backfires from a motorcycle/car and the smell of Gun Powder are 2 very distinctly different odors. DPD Officer Earle Brown said in his WC Testimony that he smelled "Gun Powder" from his position atop the overpass that extends across the Stemmons Fwy. That overpass is roughly 100 yards away from the Triple Underpass at the bottom of Elm St.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2020, 05:43:48 AM by Royell Storing »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Who was the "agent" patrolman Joe Smith encountered behind grassy knoll?
« Reply #74 on: February 10, 2020, 05:43:08 AM »

Offline Gerry Down

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    The smell of exhaust/backfires from a motorcycle/car and the smell of Gun Powder are 2 very distinctly different odors. DPD Officer Earle Brown said in his WC Testimony that he smelled "Gun Powder" from his position atop the overpass that extends across the Stemmons Fwy. That overpass is roughly 100 yards away from the Triple Underpass at the bottom of Elm St.

If a patrolman was smelling smoke from that far away, that makes it more likley someone was burning something (ie rubbish) and the smell was blowing around that whole area. You'd hardly smell gunsmoke from all the way over on the Stemmons freeway.

Online Royell Storing

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If a patrolman was smelling smoke from that far away, that makes it more likley someone was burning something (ie rubbish) and the smell was blowing around that whole area. You'd hardly smell gunsmoke from all the way over on the Stemmons freeway.

   It depends on the location of the Source from which the smoke came from.  A weapon having been discharged by someone in an open vehicle in the JFK Motorcade would explain: (1) people smelling "gun powder" down Elm St, and (2) DPD Patrolman Earle Brown smelling "gun powder" from his position standing atop the overpass stretching across the Stemmons Fwy. The JFK Motorcade traveled Directly below Earle Brown as it sped to Parkland Hospital.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2020, 03:19:04 PM by Royell Storing »

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Offline Gerry Down

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   It depends on the location of the Source from which the smoke came from.  A weapon having been discharged by someone in an open vehicle in the JFK Motorcade would explain: (1) people smelling "gun powder" down Elm St, and (2) DPD Patrolman Earle Brown smelling "gun powder" from his position standing atop the overpass stretching across the Stemmons Fwy. The JFK Motorcade traveled Directly below Earle Brown as it sped to Parkland Hospital.

So either someone in the motorcade fired a shot (which no one in Dealey Plaza saw) or someone was illegally burning something. Possibly a homeless person burning something trying to keep warm. There were homeless people in the vicinity - the three tramps.

Online Royell Storing

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So either someone in the motorcade fired a shot (which no one in Dealey Plaza saw) or someone was illegally burning something. Possibly a homeless person burning something trying to keep warm. There were homeless people in the vicinity - the three tramps.

   None of the witnesses in Dealey Plaza saw SA Lem Johns jump out of the LBJ SS Follow Up Car and run up Elm St toward the JFK Limo either. Yet Johns and the SS claim he did this. There are numerous things that Did happen that "no one in Dealey Plaza saw".  Do NOT permit that to shape your opinion(s). Also, anyone that has smelled "burning trash" and the odor of "gun powder" would Ever confuse the 2. Especially a DPD Policeman/Earle Brown.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2020, 07:37:21 PM by Royell Storing »

Offline Gerry Down

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Also, anyone that has smelled "burning trash" and the odor of "gun powder" would Ever confuse the 2. Especially a DPD Policeman/Earle Brown.

I'd imagine it'd be easy to confuse the two.

JFK Assassination Forum