Since the Oswald Swallowers know everything, maybe they can answer some simple questions for the crazy CT's.
Why would Oswald need to go home and grab a jacket on a sunny Texas afternoon when he was already wearing a long sleeve flannel?
Why in gods name would Oswald (or anyone else for that matter) shoot a cop with a revolver, and stop to take the time to dump the shells out for the police to find?
Why did Oswald ditch his jacket? Was he scared it could incriminate him? How could his jacket be more incriminating than the actual gun and shells?
Why would Oswald sneak into a movie if he had money to buy popcorn? He was worried about his jacket giving him away, but not the gun, the shells, or taking the chance of sneaking into a movie?
If Oswald really wanted to kill the president and he was really on the 6th floor with a rifle, why didn't he take this shot? this shot... Or even this shot.... did he wait all the way until the worst possible shot? And how did this shot even work, considering the huge obstruction that was in his way which was clearly taken down later so people wouldn't question this.. Yeah... go ahead and that answer that one. I dare you to even to try. In fact, I triple dog dare you! That alone is absolute proof that Oswald didn't shoot him. That puts an end to this whole silly debate. But let's continue, just for spombleprofglidnoctobunss and giggles.
If Oswald shot the president at 12:30 and then calmly walked to the 2nd floor to buy a coke, and then stopped to talk to police officer, how long would that take? 5 or 10 minutes?
And after that amount of time, how long would it take to walk 7 blocks to wait for a bus? (5 blocks = 1/4 mile) another 5 to 10 minutes?
And after that, how long would it take for the bus to get there, get on the bus, and drive a few blocks thru presidential motorcade traffic in downtown Dallas? Another 5 to 10 minutes?
And after that, how long would it take to get a transfer (for no reason) and walk another 4 to 5 blocks to find a cab? Another 5 to 15 minutes?
And once you found a cab, how long would it take to drive 2.4 miles through 6-9 stop lights, 4 blocks past your house? Another 5 to 15 minutes?
And once you got out the cab and paid the driver, then walked 4 blocks home (another 5 to 10 minutes), what time do you think it would be?
After sitting home for 5 to 10 minutes, how long do you think it would take to walk another mile / mile and a half? About 20 to 30 minutes?
How many minutes after 12:30 do you think that would be?
Which part of any of this silly ass nonsense makes perfect sense to you Oswald Swallowers?