Says the contrarian
From the Internet: A typical contrarian trope takes the form, "everything you know about topic X is wrong".
Sound familiar?
Yes... whatever anybody says that does not agree with your opinion is deemed to be wrong by you. That's the definition of a contrarian.
You dispute every piece of evidence in the Assassination of JFK routinely but never provide one piece of evidence to the contrary.
No, I don't dispute every piece of evidence. Stop misrepresenting!
Just because you put forward a "limp" response, naming me as what I accurately describe you: Does not make me a contrarian.
But it does... If you call me a contrarian for not agreeing with your opinion, I likewise can call you a contrarian for exactly the same reason.
I refer to the known body of evidence that points fairly and squarely to Lee Harvey Oswald as the assassin of President John F. Kennedy and murderer of Officer J.D. Tippit.
I know what you refer to, but it it points fairly and squarely to Oswald as the killer is only your opinion.
In fact many of the WC's conclusions are not supported by the evidence they have presented in the 26 volumes.
Add to that the enormous amount of assumptions they needed to superficially connect the dots and what you end up with is a theory that doesn't stand closer scrutiny.
All you can do is deny, deny, deny without exception: the classic contrarian.
I deny that...