Walt has latched on to Rankin's description of the back wound entering "below the shoulder blade". This, of course, is impossible. The bullet would have either encountered bone T6 or lower and damaged a lower lobe of the lung. Didn't happen. I doubt a bullet from the SN would have been able to cross above the seat back to enter at T6. Also the autopsy wound location and photographs do not support a wound entry below the scapula.
Critics are taking little cherry-picks and understandable, forgivable mistakes, and making a mountain out of them. It's not unique to the critics or other similar cults with a cause. It's systematic and psychiatrists are waking up to the impact of conspiracy-think on society. Fox News parlayed "sound bites" into a movement that appealed to idiots and eventually got the likes of Trump into the White House.
Two FBI agents, James Sibert and Francis O’Neill, attended the autopsy of President Kennedy.
They wrote a detailed report about everything they saw and heard.
It is the only contemporaneous eye–witness account of events at the autopsy.
During the HSCA they gave, independently of each other, what they saw as the location of the wound in JFK's back and throat on the diagrams below.
