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Author Topic: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read  (Read 29497 times)

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
« Reply #64 on: April 25, 2020, 02:56:25 PM »
As I said before, JT got it right in his 60's book. It makes absolutely no sense that the shots were fired earlier. The Towner film shows no startled looks and swiveling heads and that's pretty far down into the procession. Even the other photos further down but before the first shots show everything is normal. Kennedy's swift turn to the right and a wave is nothing more than that - the women over there yelled for him and he looked that way and waved. You can see this not only in the Z film but in that other photo that shows his head from the back looking over at them (I'm sorry I cannot remember who took the photo).

I, too, call it as I see it. I know people want to try to make things all scientific or go by 100 different witness statements to compare and contrast to somehow try to prove that there were shots up earlier. Science is not always going to get you where you want to go though.

I made a video about this a while back.

Again, calling it as I see it. Like the two final shots spaced very close together (head shots) I believe there were other closely spaced shots for the throat and back. Remember - there is NO exit for the back shot but it did happen. The head bob for me is when this happens in the above video a split second after the throat shot hits.

It makes no sense for conspirators to go through all of this trouble to blame a patsy and set up a staged scene on the 6th floor and then allow their shooters to start firing early. They'd have to be the greatest - and then dumbest - conspirators of all time.

There's a movie on TMC called Executive Action.

As seen in this movie, which was made in 1973 and stars Burt Lancaster and Grandpa Walton, it's a pretty good movie that covers a lot of conspiracy ground. Amazingly, it didn't create the groundswell  that Stone's movie did 20 years later. It should have though because unlike Stone's Mister X plot, this one covers what the vast majority of folks think really happened as well as the logistics.

But back to this 6-second thing - there's a scene in the movie where there's a guy on a walkie-talkie giving commands on when to shoot. This, too, is why I don't believe that the shooters would have just started firing way up earlier. It makes no logical sense.

As seen in this movie, which was made in 1973 and stars Burt Lancaster and Grandpa Walton, it's a pretty good movie that covers a lot of conspiracy ground. Amazingly, it didn't create the groundswell  that Stone's movie did 20 years later.

I watched the trailer that you posted the link to......   and even after 56 years I feel nausea in hearing the cold blooded planning that had to have happened....

There's not a doubt in my mind that we have the same atmosphere in the US today....The Trump hater's have probably had similar conversations.  It makes me sick! 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
« Reply #64 on: April 25, 2020, 02:56:25 PM »

Offline Royell Storing

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Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
« Reply #65 on: April 25, 2020, 03:28:42 PM »
Indeed. He burnt some documents, his original notes, but not the report, I understand.

    You need take a look at the Humes ARRB Testimony. These guys are smart. They burn/destroy stuff, and ONLY the person doing the burning/destroying Specifically Knows for a Fact what they have burnt/destroyed. Did they burn/destroy a "Report", or was it a "Draft" of the Report? Or was it a "2nd Draft" of the Final Report? This also means when these Individuals are giving Testimony/being Q/A'd, this Individual can have 1 Document in mind while the questioner is actually referencing something all together different. These Jokers have their own version of "3 Card Monty" going, with Obfuscation/Confusion being the goal. If I have learned 1 thing from this case, it's that the U.S. Govt Destroys Nothing. They actually Document Everything In Triplicate for possible future use/reference. I believe this also would include the JFK Autopsy.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2020, 03:35:51 PM by Royell Storing »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
« Reply #66 on: April 25, 2020, 03:36:51 PM »
    You need take a look at the Humes ARRB Testimony. These guys are smart. They burn/destroy stuff, and ONLY the person doing the burning/destroying Specifically Knows for a Fact what they have burnt/destroyed. Did they burn/destroy a "Report", or was it a "Draft" of the Report? Or was it a "2nd Draft" of the Final Report? This also means when these Individuals are giving Testimony/being Q/A'd, this Individual can have 1 Document in mind while the questioner is actually referencing something all together different. Obfuscation being the goal. If I have learned 1 thing from this case, it's that these guys Destroy Nothing. They actually Document Everything In Triplicate for possible future use.

ONLY the person doing the burning/destroying Specifically Knows for a Fact what they have burnt/destroyed.

Good point!.....  I've often wondered if FBI agent James Hosty really did destroy the "Oswald Note".....   At the time that Hosty allegedly destroyed the note he was in deep stuff with Hoover.    Hosty would have known that the note might be very valuable as evidence to be used in keeping him out of prison if Hoover decided to throw him under the bus. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
« Reply #66 on: April 25, 2020, 03:36:51 PM »

Offline Royell Storing

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Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
« Reply #67 on: April 25, 2020, 03:47:08 PM »
ONLY the person doing the burning/destroying Specifically Knows for a Fact what they have burnt/destroyed.

Good point!.....  I've often wondered if FBI agent James Hosty really did destroy the "Oswald Note".....   At the time that Hosty allegedly destroyed the note he was in deep stuff with Hoover.    Hosty would have known that the note might be very valuable as evidence to be used in keeping him out of prison if Hoover decided to throw him under the bus.

   Yeah, and do Not forget the recently Discovered "Hosty Notes" inside the National Archives. Whether it be an individual Govt employee protecting him/herself or the U.S. Govt itself, they Destroy Nothing. Bethesda had recently been remodeled/retooled when JFK was assassinated. At that time, Bethesda had the most advanced audio/video capabilities available. Autopsies and Operations there at Bethesda were routinely being taped/televised to assorted Hospitals across this country. To think Pitzer would Not be filming the JFK Autopsy with these advanced audio/video tools at his fingertips is ludicrous.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2020, 03:50:10 PM by Royell Storing »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
« Reply #68 on: April 25, 2020, 04:19:20 PM »
   Yeah, and do Not forget the recently Discovered "Hosty Notes" inside the National Archives. Whether it be an individual Govt employee protecting him/herself or the U.S. Govt itself, they Destroy Nothing. Bethesda had recently been remodeled/retooled when JFK was assassinated. At that time, Bethesda had the most advanced audio/video capabilities available. Autopsies and Operations there at Bethesda were routinely being taped/televised to assorted Hospitals across this country. To think Pitzer would Not be filming the JFK Autopsy with these advanced audio/video tools at his fingertips is ludicrous.

You're right, Royell.....  When a person steps back and views the case from afar....It becomes very obvious that the murder was simply an old fashioned coup d e'tate with the new man at the reins controlling the information being fed to the gullible and trusting public.     Or as the old adage says.....

A conspiracy cannot exist....  because if the murder was indeed a conspiracy ......  then only a damned fool would dare call it a conspiracy.   

And indeed some damned fools paid with their lives for daring to challenge the new man at the reins.....One of the first damned fools was  Lee Oswald .... Who boldly announced....( this murder of President Kennedy is a conspiracy created by men in powerful positions in the government )....and "I'm just a patsy."

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
« Reply #68 on: April 25, 2020, 04:19:20 PM »

Online Sean Kneringer

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Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
« Reply #69 on: April 25, 2020, 04:41:03 PM »
Should be renamed 10 Seconds in Dallas.

Offline Gary Craig

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Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
« Reply #70 on: April 25, 2020, 04:41:29 PM »
There was the autopsy report and the supplemental autopsy report. Neither of the two were destroyed. There was never any other autopsy report on forensic pathological examination of the body of Kennedy.

John F Kennedy - The Autopsy

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
« Reply #71 on: April 25, 2020, 05:23:26 PM »
Should be renamed 10 Seconds in Dallas.


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
« Reply #71 on: April 25, 2020, 05:23:26 PM »