But Boswell himself thought the face sheet markings were approximate and the measurements were what was important.

It's possible the "face sheet" misleading marking with regards to the "back" wound was what Rankin was referring to when he said the back wound was below the shoulder blade.
No. The "face sheet" placement of the "back" wound is much lower when compared to the autopsy photo. The photo shows the distance from the wound to the mastoid tip and the tip of the scapula to be equal. This was recorded (presumably accurately) as an equal distance and presented in the autopsy report.
"This wound is measured to be 14 cm. from the tip of the right acromion
process and 14 cm. below the tip of the right mastoid process."
Right Jerry.
These are the same autopsy doctors who missed the throat wound.
They also, if you're to believe the Clark Panel, Rockefeller Commission, HSCA and I think the Church Committee, placed the wound in the back of JFK's skull to low. 4 inches too low.
Although some believe it was changed by the Clark Panel only after critics pointed out a wound at EOP on the back of JFK's skull doesn't work for a LN shooter from the 6th floor SE corner TSBD.
Others believe the Clark Panel found a second wound track, meaning 2 separate bullets.