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Author Topic: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read  (Read 35956 times)

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
« Reply #112 on: May 01, 2020, 11:01:52 PM »

    "When I got to the presidential vehicle, just as I approached it, a third shot rang out,
     hitting the president in the head, just above the right ear and left a hole about the
     size of my palm."
          -- Clint hill

I doubt that Clint Hill said the above....   I heard and saw Clint Hill ( in his eighties) speaking at his alma mater, Concordia College,  a few years ago. Most folks in the audience weren't much interested in hearing him talk about the murder of President Kennedy.....Most of the younger audience wanted to hear about what his life was like as Jackie's personal body guard, and seemed to be looking for scandal .....but he did talk about the actual event....  and at that point he pointed to his right temple (similar to the photo of Mel Kilduff at Parkland )   and said that when he climbed aboard the Lincoln he saw a small bullet hole in JFK's right temple forward of the in right at the hairline, and then he moved his hand to the right rear of his head with his finger splayed and said that there was a huge hole at that location, on the back of JFK's head.     I was stunned at his gesture and words, so during the Q&A I asked him to repeat what he had seen when he climbed aboard the Lincoln....but he immediately became defensive and evasive......So he may have realized that he had slipped up ....... 

If Hill ever made the statement that you attribute to him.....He may have been coerced ( or under the influence) because he fought the memory of the assassination with alcohol. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
« Reply #112 on: May 01, 2020, 11:01:52 PM »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
« Reply #113 on: May 02, 2020, 06:20:50 AM »

    "When I got to the presidential vehicle, just as I approached it, a third shot rang out,
     hitting the president in the head, just above the right ear and left a hole about the
     size of my palm."
          -- Clint hill

    Once again, the visual aid that is provided defeats the point of the poster. The visual aid above in No Way displays a shot "HITTING the president in the head, JUST ABOVE the Right Ear..........." The visual aid displays a bullet striking the BACK of the Head and then traveling across the TOP Of the Head.

Offline Michael Carney

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Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
« Reply #114 on: May 02, 2020, 03:12:25 PM »
I looks like no one wants to cough up the $3-$4 to watch JFK - The Smoking Gun so I am going to ruin it for you. What this documentary is about is how the third shot did not come from the TSBD or the grassy knoll but from an AR15 in the car behind the president’s limo. A secret service agent had picked up the gun, stood up on the back seat, the car accelerated (or decelerated), he lost his balance and he accidentally squeezed off a round and that round hit JFK in the back of the head. Now you can understand why the cover up.
A gun expert Howard Donohue, and the only person that could get off 3 rounds in the 6.2 seconds from the carcano rifle, researched and found out several interesting things. First; the hole in the back of Kennedy’s measured 6mm in diameter, an AR15 (M16) round is 5.56 mm. The Carcano is a .308 which is 7.62 mm. A bullet hole in the head will be slightly larger than the actual bullet. Second, many people smelled gun smoke in the motorcade, half of them being SS agents. Third, Donohue lined up the head, the entrance hole in the back with the right temple “explosion” and it lines up perfectly with the shot coming from jfk’s left rear at a low angle. Forth, Agents in and around the following car remember seeing an agent with an AR15 in his hand and another agent thinks that he had fired the gun.
The documentary is based on this information from the book called Mortal Error by Bonar Menninger. The book is about Donohue’s findings.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
« Reply #114 on: May 02, 2020, 03:12:25 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
« Reply #115 on: May 02, 2020, 03:23:58 PM »
I looks like no one wants to cough up the $3-$4 to watch JFK - The Smoking Gun so I am going to ruin it for you. What this documentary is about is how the third shot did not come from the TSBD or the grassy knoll but from an AR15 in the car behind the president’s limo. A secret service agent had picked up the gun, stood up on the back seat, the car accelerated (or decelerated), he lost his balance and he accidentally squeezed off a round and that round hit JFK in the back of the head. Now you can understand why the cover up.
A gun expert Howard Donohue, and the only person that could get off 3 rounds in the 6.2 seconds from the carcano rifle, researched and found out several interesting things. First; the hole in the back of Kennedy’s measured 6mm in diameter, an AR15 (M16) round is 5.56 mm. The Carcano is a .308 which is 7.62 mm. A bullet hole in the head will be slightly larger than the actual bullet. Second, many people smelled gun smoke in the motorcade, half of them being SS agents. Third, Donohue lined up the head, the entrance hole in the back with the right temple “explosion” and it lines up perfectly with the shot coming from jfk’s left rear at a low angle. Forth, Agents in and around the following car remember seeing an agent with an AR15 in his hand and another agent thinks that he had fired the gun.
The documentary is based on this information from the book called Mortal Error by Bonar Menninger. The book is about Donohue’s findings.

Pure BS!!   The theory was floated by the book Mortal Error.... ( Probably backed by the government )    Nobody believed it then.....And I doubt that few will believe it now.

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
« Reply #116 on: May 02, 2020, 03:56:55 PM »
I looks like no one wants to cough up the $3-$4 to watch JFK - The Smoking Gun so I am going to ruin it for you. What this documentary is about is how the third shot did not come from the TSBD or the grassy knoll but from an AR15 in the car behind the president’s limo. A secret service agent had picked up the gun, stood up on the back seat, the car accelerated (or decelerated), he lost his balance and he accidentally squeezed off a round and that round hit JFK in the back of the head. Now you can understand why the cover up.
A gun expert Howard Donohue, and the only person that could get off 3 rounds in the 6.2 seconds from the carcano rifle, researched and found out several interesting things. First; the hole in the back of Kennedy’s measured 6mm in diameter, an AR15 (M16) round is 5.56 mm. The Carcano is a .308 which is 7.62 mm. A bullet hole in the head will be slightly larger than the actual bullet. Second, many people smelled gun smoke in the motorcade, half of them being SS agents. Third, Donohue lined up the head, the entrance hole in the back with the right temple “explosion” and it lines up perfectly with the shot coming from jfk’s left rear at a low angle. Forth, Agents in and around the following car remember seeing an agent with an AR15 in his hand and another agent thinks that he had fired the gun.
The documentary is based on this information from the book called Mortal Error by Bonar Menninger. The book is about Donohue’s findings.

    DPD Officer Earle Brown standing on the overpass across the Stemmons Fwy On-Ramp also gave WC Testimony that he smelled gun powder. His great distance from Dealey Plaza/TSBD and his smelling of gun powder does give credibility to their being a "Smoking"/recently discharged weapon inside the JFK Motorcade as it traveled toward/under that overpass he was standing atop. Also, there is one shot that acted Unlike every other shot fired on 11/22/63. That would be the Kill Shot. The ONLY Automatic Weapon KNOWN to be inside Dealey Plaza that could possible account for that shot would be the AR-15 that SA Hickey was wielding while standing Up-Right in the back seat of the Queen Mary. And let's not forget that SA Hickey was a "fill-in" that day. He normally did maintenance on the motorcade vehicles. The Hickey discharging of the AR-15 is plausible in many ways and worthy of serious consideration. 
« Last Edit: May 02, 2020, 03:58:04 PM by Royell Storing »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
« Reply #116 on: May 02, 2020, 03:56:55 PM »

Offline Nicholas Turner

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Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
« Reply #117 on: May 02, 2020, 04:25:37 PM »
    DPD Officer Earle Brown standing on the overpass across the Stemmons Fwy On-Ramp also gave WC Testimony that he smelled gun powder. His great distance from Dealey Plaza/TSBD and his smelling of gun powder does give credibility to their being a "Smoking"/recently discharged weapon inside the JFK Motorcade as it traveled toward/under that overpass he was standing atop. Also, there is one shot that acted Unlike every other shot fired on 11/22/63. That would be the Kill Shot. The ONLY Automatic Weapon KNOWN to be inside Dealey Plaza that could possible account for that shot would be the AR-15 that SA Hickey was wielding while standing Up-Right in the back seat of the Queen Mary. And let's not forget that SA Hickey was a "fill-in" that day. He normally did maintenance on the motorcade vehicles. The Hickey discharging of the AR-15 is plausible in many ways and worthy of serious consideration.

Two minutes later wasn't it.

Offline Michael Carney

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Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
« Reply #118 on: May 02, 2020, 04:36:10 PM »
You can say it's bullspombleprofglidnoctobuns but facts are facts. The witnesses are there and they are credible witnesses. Remember how the motorcade was lined up, most important people first. SS Agents smelled gunsmoke, behind the SS Agents limo was Congressman Ralph W. Yarborough,  a WWII veteran who said he smelled gunsmoke and me being a Viet Nam vet I can tell you I know what gunsmoke smells like.
The government would not back the theory, they covered it up. Can you image the outrage there would be if the governmental department charged with protecting the President was responsible for killing him. Watch the documentary "JFK-The Smoking Gun", it will convince you I'm sure.

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
« Reply #119 on: May 02, 2020, 04:42:34 PM »
Two minutes later wasn't it.

    If You are going to claim it took the hauling arse JFK Limo 2 Minutes to reach the overpass that stretched across the Stemmons Fwy On-Ramp, are You also then claiming the JFK Limo STOPPED?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
« Reply #119 on: May 02, 2020, 04:42:34 PM »