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Author Topic: Finally... A Pergola Shooter ID 100% Confirmed  (Read 8080 times)

Offline Izraul Hidashi

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Finally... A Pergola Shooter ID 100% Confirmed
« on: May 03, 2020, 02:05:52 AM »
It took some work and some time but I finally identified one of the pergola shooters. I'm 100% certain that Eladio DeValle was one of the two. The Oswald swallowers can say whatever they want and hate, but it's a fact they'll have to live with. I understand how things work in the JFK research world, so I don't expect anyone to say "good job" or give positive praise.

But for people who aren't haters or bitter about new finds, this confirms several important factors which can help the investigation to move forward, instead of being stuck in the same place for 50 years arguing over the same nonsense.

How I put it together was fairly simple. I took the half of the heavy set shooter we can see in the Moorman photo and copied it with GIMP software. I pasted it as a new image and cleaned it up a little.

I copied that, turned the one half around and stuck them together to make it whole. Then I ran that through GMIC filters and slowly started piecing it pixel by pixel.

Then I took photos of my suspects and tried to match them. The best match was Eladio DeValle. I took some measurements of facial features to be certain. It was a little harder to match measurements because you can't see all his features in the Moorman photo, plus he's wearing sunglasses.

After some more research and reading what Anthony Summers had to say regarding Eladio DaValle, there's no doubt in my mind it's him. Summers is looking it over now. I'm sure he'll agree 100% that Eladio DaValle was in fact one of the pergola shooters. He was a Cuban exile and member of Operation 40.

The other shooter will be a lot harder because only the top half of his face is visible. But so far I've narrowed it down significantly. I'm leaning towards a man named William "Billy" Seymour.  I'm not a hater so I don't mind sharing what I have. The other possibilities are Carlos Bringuier, Jean Souetre, and Al Beauboeuf, if anyone wants to help. But I'm almost certain it's going to be Billy Seymour.

And to think some hater actually tried to convince me the shooters were just thumb print damage.  smh
« Last Edit: May 03, 2020, 03:28:07 AM by Izraul Hidashi »

JFK Assassination Forum

Finally... A Pergola Shooter ID 100% Confirmed
« on: May 03, 2020, 02:05:52 AM »

Offline Nicholas Turner

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Re: Finally... A Pergola Shooter ID 100% Confirmed
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2020, 07:39:10 AM »
It's not a fact.

Offline Nicholas Turner

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Re: Finally... A Pergola Shooter ID 100% Confirmed
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2020, 08:00:49 AM »
It took some work and some time but I finally identified one of the pergola shooters. I'm 100% certain that Eladio DeValle was one of the two. The Oswald swallowers can say whatever they want and hate, but it's a fact they'll have to live with. I understand how things work in the JFK research world, so I don't expect anyone to say "good job" or give positive praise.

But for people who aren't haters or bitter about new finds, this confirms several important factors which can help the investigation to move forward, instead of being stuck in the same place for 50 years arguing over the same nonsense.

How I put it together was fairly simple. I took the half of the heavy set shooter we can see in the Moorman photo and copied it with GIMP software. I pasted it as a new image and cleaned it up a little.

I copied that, turned the one half around and stuck them together to make it whole. Then I ran that through GMIC filters and slowly started piecing it pixel by pixel.

Then I took photos of my suspects and tried to match them. The best match was Eladio DeValle. I took some measurements of facial features to be certain. It was a little harder to match measurements because you can't see all his features in the Moorman photo, plus he's wearing sunglasses.

After some more research and reading what Anthony Summers had to say regarding Eladio DaValle, there's no doubt in my mind it's him. Summers is looking it over now. I'm sure he'll agree 100% that Eladio DaValle was in fact one of the pergola shooters. He was a Cuban exile and member of Operation 40.

The other shooter will be a lot harder because only the top half of his face is visible. But so far I've narrowed it down significantly. I'm leaning towards a man named William "Billy" Seymour.  I'm not a hater so I don't mind sharing what I have. The other possibilities are Carlos Bringuier, Jean Souetre, and Al Beauboeuf, if anyone wants to help. But I'm almost certain it's going to be Billy Seymour.

And to think some hater actually tried to convince me the shooters were just thumb print damage.  smh

You say 'I'm not a hater' yet you call people who don't share your beliefs 'Oswald swallowers'.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Finally... A Pergola Shooter ID 100% Confirmed
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2020, 08:00:49 AM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Finally... A Pergola Shooter ID 100% Confirmed
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2020, 03:59:41 PM »
It took some work and some time but I finally identified one of the pergola shooters. I'm 100% certain that Eladio DeValle was one of the two. The Oswald swallowers can say whatever they want and hate, but it's a fact they'll have to live with. I understand how things work in the JFK research world, so I don't expect anyone to say "good job" or give positive praise.

But for people who aren't haters or bitter about new finds, this confirms several important factors which can help the investigation to move forward, instead of being stuck in the same place for 50 years arguing over the same nonsense.

How I put it together was fairly simple. I took the half of the heavy set shooter we can see in the Moorman photo and copied it with GIMP software. I pasted it as a new image and cleaned it up a little.

I copied that, turned the one half around and stuck them together to make it whole. Then I ran that through GMIC filters and slowly started piecing it pixel by pixel.

Then I took photos of my suspects and tried to match them. The best match was Eladio DeValle. I took some measurements of facial features to be certain. It was a little harder to match measurements because you can't see all his features in the Moorman photo, plus he's wearing sunglasses.

After some more research and reading what Anthony Summers had to say regarding Eladio DaValle, there's no doubt in my mind it's him. Summers is looking it over now. I'm sure he'll agree 100% that Eladio DaValle was in fact one of the pergola shooters. He was a Cuban exile and member of Operation 40.

The other shooter will be a lot harder because only the top half of his face is visible. But so far I've narrowed it down significantly. I'm leaning towards a man named William "Billy" Seymour.  I'm not a hater so I don't mind sharing what I have. The other possibilities are Carlos Bringuier, Jean Souetre, and Al Beauboeuf, if anyone wants to help. But I'm almost certain it's going to be Billy Seymour.

And to think some hater actually tried to convince me the shooters were just thumb print damage.  smh

  It's a shame that you've posted utter nonsense in the past Mr Hadashi,    Because I'd really like to take this post seriously and believe you.   I do believe that with the modern computer programs it will be possible to see things in the old photos that we weren't able to see before.   I sincerely hope that you become an expert at analyzing the old photos and expose that which was hidden.....

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Finally... A Pergola Shooter ID 100% Confirmed
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2020, 04:15:54 PM »

  I need a Larger picture of this alleged shooter. I have No Shooter Context regarding: (1) How HIGH UP from the ground (2) Head size, (3) Position relative to Zapruder in Front of him, (4) Position of JFK Limo when pic was taken.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Finally... A Pergola Shooter ID 100% Confirmed
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2020, 04:15:54 PM »

Offline Izraul Hidashi

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Re: Finally... A Pergola Shooter ID 100% Confirmed
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2020, 11:19:27 AM »
Ah yes of course. And no one else here has posted utter nonsense, right? Especially not you. Because everything you say and post is 100% legitimate, right? And what does your feelings and beliefs have to do with me? How is your opinion going to affect me?  You think it matters? And what happens when I'm proven right? What doe that mean for all you who disagree?

Tell me, how long have you been at this? A couple years? I barely been at a couple of months and I've made more progress than most people have in 50 years. And the funny part is I could care less about it. What anyone else thinks about it isn't going to change the fact I'm right about this. And I did it for fun.

So while you, and everyone else here who agrees with you, may think what I post is silly, it doesn't change the fact that I'm right about this. So you can believe whatever you want. I'm not saying I'm better at this than anyone else, but I'm certainly more observant than most. Maybe it's the fact I grew up around certain kinds of people that required me to be observant at all times. The simple act of driving in a car was a lot different for me than other people. Like not paying attention when pulling up too close to cars in front of you at a stoplight. Not leaving yourself room to get out is a bonafide death trap. I've seen friends get klacced on sitting at fast food restaurants. So I tend notice things most people don't. Does that mean I'm always right? No. But when I am right is when I say I'm 100% sure. And I don't say it often.

You and everyone else is entitled to your opinion. This is one thing I know for a fact I'm right about. If no one else can see it, does that mean I'm wrong? If anyone truly believes I'm wrong they shouldn't be flapping their gums, they should be proving it. I welcome anyone to try. If I thought it would help, I'd dare them to. By all means, tell them to shut the pie holes and get to proving.

And whatever I've posted certainly hasn't been sillier than what the cops, FBI and CIA have. Talk about silly... lol. The whole damn Warren Commission was a friggen clown circus. What's sillier than grown men believing in the official story? Silly is not being able to see the obvious. A bunch of grown ups trying to pretend they can't see the pergola shooters is pretty damn silly if you ask me.

Millions of people ignoring their own eyes to swallow the official story isn't silly? What do you call that? Being stuck arguing over the same nonsense for 50 years isn't silly? No one else has been able to identify any shooters, including Oswald. But that doesn't stop people from accusing him and claiming he was the real shooter, now does it? How many people on this board have posted opinions about Oswald being the real shooter... and with out a single shred of any real evidence. Not a photo, not a face, not a single fact to go on except hearsay. And yet they wanna open their mouths where it concerns me. LOL

No one else has been able to even confirm a damn thing. Damn near everything being posted on this board is hearsay. And I'm supposed to what... back down from my finding? If I'm wrong about anything then prove it. Isn't that what this about? Proof! So where's all the proof at? I see a lot of people talking, but not many providing anything new. Where I'm from the cops are liars. We don't trust them. They're full of crap! Maybe if people stop going by what the crooked police claim they can find new things themselves. Or they can keep yapping. I don't care.

I'm 100% right on this. And it doesn't matter what you or anyone else thinks about it. It can't change it. Let people say whatever they want. Eventually we'll all see who the silly ones really were. 

You wanna see silly? Have you seen the NASA photos I posted in the off topic section? It doesn't get much sillier than that. How many people saw the moon landings and ignored the spotlights? It only took me a couple months to find those things. There's people still arguing 50 years later about it. I found Stanley damn Kubrick in an official NASA moon photo. What's sillier than that?

If anyone wants to prove me wrong, feel free. If anyone wants to help me try to figure out who this other shooter is, I welcome that too. If not, it's okay. I'll do it myself. But what I won't be doing is flapping my gums.

Offline Izraul Hidashi

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Re: Finally... A Pergola Shooter ID 100% Confirmed
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2020, 11:31:45 AM »
  I need a Larger picture of this alleged shooter. I have No Shooter Context regarding: (1) How HIGH UP from the ground (2) Head size, (3) Position relative to Zapruder in Front of him, (4) Position of JFK Limo when pic was taken.

So what do you need? Me to provide you with one or help finding one online? Because I can do both. But if you don't trust my work then then you're probably better off getting one yourself, just so you'll know that I didn't mess with it. Not like I'd do that anyway, but you never with some people. I have a huge one that somebody here sent me. It was to prove that nobody was there, but he failed, because they are in it. You'll have to mess with the contrast and lighting to get a better look at their faces. In fact, it will be a lot more work, but it might be worth it for you.

I don't know what program you use but if you need help with that too just ask. Whatever you want to do. I have nothing to hide or fear. If someone wants to try and prove me wrong I'll help them with that too. lol

Offline Izraul Hidashi

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Re: Finally... A Pergola Shooter ID 100% Confirmed
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2020, 11:52:27 AM »
If anyone wants to claim I'm wrong then please feel free. In fact, I propose the people who think I'm wrong should work to prove it. Pick a Moorman photo and we'll walk through it together. Step by step. That way everyone can watch as we go through it. Or you can do it on your own and prove it's someone else. Or you can use Eladio DeValle and see if you can match him. Whatever anyone wants to do I'm with it. Why just sit there and yap like an armchair Judge when we can actually do something? If we're not willing to put in the time and work then why open our mouths?  8)

In the words of E-40, "be about it or be without it."  My best friend once told me "time waits for no man." He was killed a month later. Just saying... with so many of you experts here on one site, what's the hold up? Crack it open like a coconut.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Finally... A Pergola Shooter ID 100% Confirmed
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2020, 11:52:27 AM »