The top of the back collar of the jacket is nearly level with the mouth.
Why would your experiment showing a bullet entering several inches below the top of the jacket put any LNer off?
You are obsessed with CAD. My graphic is not the experiment, it is the setup. Have you done the experiment yet Jerry? If so, then post your results and show us all that the MB was possible. Otherwise, no graphic or photo can resolve this. Besides, this is an experiment for the LNers to convince themselves that the MB was possible.
Computer screens are 2D and this requires a 3D model using a surrogate and lasers. A 3D CAD model projected onto a 2D screen will never cut it, which is why I haven't bothered making one. I can't demonstrate that it was NOT possible. You would say I didn't try hard enough. Would you buy anything I posted that contradicted your position? Didn't think so.