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Author Topic: This is how the rifle was gotten into the building  (Read 54074 times)

Offline Jack Trojan

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Re: This is how the rifle was gotten into the building
« Reply #96 on: May 15, 2020, 02:37:47 AM »
Oswald actually smuggling in the disassembled murder weapon in a bag aside, why would he include the wonky scope and how did he keep his prints off the rifle after reassembling it, taking 3 shots then ditching it before fleeing the scene? It takes precious time to wipe off all your prints and by rights there should have been a crapload of them all over the rifle. You must manhandle a rifle to reassemble it from parts. Also, Oswald could have saved some room/weight in the bag if he had removed the useless scope.

You need to ans those questions before debating what was in the bag. The conspirators didn't think this one thru. Oswald was obviously instructed to bring something in a long paper bag (long enough for a disassembled rifle) and be witnessed doing it. That's called sheep-dipping the patsy. Meanwhile, the MC was probably already on the 6th floor or in the possession of Roy Truly, who was probably up to his eyeballs in all this as much as Paine and De Mohrenschildt were as his handlers. Truly must have provided private access to the 6th floor for the conspirators to set up shop and kept the employees out of the picture. Someone should dig into Roy Truly's background.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2020, 02:42:22 AM by Jack Trojan »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: This is how the rifle was gotten into the building
« Reply #96 on: May 15, 2020, 02:37:47 AM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: This is how the rifle was gotten into the building
« Reply #97 on: May 15, 2020, 09:39:45 AM »
So Oswald cannot be sure of the "exact" length of Oswald's long paper bag.

I must stop multitasking: It's distracting.

Indeed so-------chiding another for their lack of precision can be very distracting alright!  Thumb1:

The statement is still true... in a way.

On the old forum, I had a Subject about Oswald's reason for making the long-ish paper bag too short to conceal the Carcano rifle "ready to shoot".

His reason was that he only needed a bag long enough to hold two white enamel curtain rods!

And the reason why a long (5-6ft) box was used to deliver the rifle to the Depository building from a Pawn Shop truck the morning of the assassination was to avoid using a box that looked just right for carrying a rifle.

Not complicated!  Thumb1:

Online Richard Smith

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Re: This is how the rifle was gotten into the building
« Reply #98 on: May 15, 2020, 01:37:39 PM »
Oswald takes an entirely unexpected trip to Irving on Thursday to get curtain rods he doesn't need.  Why not wait until the weekend per his usual schedule?

Because there was no such thing as a usual schedule! If there had been one, he would have been in Irving the previous weekend also, but he wasn't. And yes, I know, Marina did not want him to come then, which may well explain that he wanted to go on Thursday to (1) see his kids and (2) pre-empt Marina telling him again he shouldn't come.

Wrong.  Oswald only went on weekends.  He rode with Frazier on Friday and then back to work on Monday.  He had never gone on a Thursday.  It was so unusual Frazier even asked him about it.  Of course you already know this and are intentionally trying to mislead by suggesting that because he hadn't gone on one weekend that there was no usual schedule.  That is the typical dishonest tack.  Oswald's pattern when he went to Irving - which never varied until Nov. 21 - was to go on Friday and return to work on Monday. He had never previously gone on a Thursday and returned on a Friday.  That was a singular event.  Thus, his usual schedule was to go on a Friday and return Monday.  Not even the most outlandish kook would take issue with that characterization.

Mr. BALL - Your memory is that he went,, he rode home with you every Friday and came back the following Monday?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes.
Mr. BALL - Except this one weekend?
Mr. FRAZIER - Right, that is what I say. If he went home with me on Friday afternoon he always rode back with me on Monday morning. It wasn't no added job when he would come with me on the weekend. He would ride home with me on Friday and he would come back with me on Monday.

Mr. BALL - I see.
Now, there was the one date that Oswald came to you and asked you to drive him back to Irving, it was not a Friday, was it?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; it wasn't.
Mr. BALL - It was on a Thursday.
Mr. FRAZIER - Right.
Mr. BALL - Was that the 21st of November?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL - Well, tell us about that.
Mr. FRAZIER - Well, I say, we were standing like I said at the four-headed table about half as large as this, not, quite half as large, but anyway I was standing there getting the orders in and he said, "Could I ride home with you this afternoon?"
And I said, "Sure. You know, like I told you, you can go home with me any time you want to, like I say anytime you want to go see your wife that is all right with me."
So automatically I knew it wasn't Friday, I come to think it wasn't Friday and I said, "Why are you going home today?"
And he says, "I am going home to get some curtain rods." He said, "You know, put in an apartment."
He wanted to hang up some curtains and I said, "Very well." And I never thought more about it and I had some invoices in my hands for some orders and I walked on off and started filling the orders.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2020, 01:40:07 PM by Richard Smith »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: This is how the rifle was gotten into the building
« Reply #98 on: May 15, 2020, 01:37:39 PM »

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: This is how the rifle was gotten into the building
« Reply #99 on: May 15, 2020, 03:34:42 PM »

Wrong.  Oswald only went on weekends.  He rode with Frazier on Friday and then back to work on Monday.  He had never gone on a Thursday.  It was so unusual Frazier even asked him about it.  Of course you already know this and are intentionally trying to mislead by suggesting that because he hadn't gone on one weekend that there was no usual schedule.  That is the typical dishonest tack.  Oswald's pattern when he went to Irving - which never varied until Nov. 21 - was to go on Friday and return to work on Monday. He had never previously gone on a Thursday and returned on a Friday.  That was a singular event.  Thus, his usual schedule was to go on a Friday and return Monday.  Not even the most outlandish kook would take issue with that characterization.

Of course you already know this and are intentionally trying to mislead by suggesting that because he hadn't gone on one weekend that there was no usual schedule.

No. Calling a couple of trips in the weekend "usual" is what is utterly dishonest.

Oswald started working at the TSBD on October 16th and drove with Frazier to Irving 4 times before he did not go, on 11/16/63. That's hardly enough to establish a pattern of any kind. Yes, Oswald never drove with Frazier to Irving before on a Thursday. That's true, but qualifying his previous trips as "usual" is just inflammatory to make that one trip look "suspicious", when Marina and Ruth Paine both testified that it was their impression that Oswald had come that day to reconcile with Marina, which can hardly be deemed to be a suspicious activity.

Oswald's pattern when he went to Irving - which never varied until Nov. 21 - was to go on Friday and return to work on Monday.

Except of course for the weekend of 15 - 17 November when he did vary by not going.

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: This is how the rifle was gotten into the building
« Reply #100 on: May 15, 2020, 03:47:09 PM »
On the old forum, I had a Subject about Oswald's reason for making the long-ish paper bag too short to conceal the Carcano rifle "ready to shoot". It suggested (speculated?) that Oswald mistakenly thought he had a 36" rifle as per the Kleins Sporting Goods advertisement in the February 1962 issue of "The American Rifleman". He was shipped a similar, rifle that was 40.2" long. This is a possible explanation for Oswald making a bag that required the Carcano to be disassembled to fully conceal it in the bag. Oswald did not measure his Carcano rifle as far as we know. Oswald probably "estimated" the length of the piece of paper used to make the bag. In folding the paper to make a secure "bottom" of the bag he most likely did not make precise measurements. It's doubtful that Oswald knew the "exact" length of his long-ish paper bag. So my statement--although unintended--is possibly true.

In my mind this is nothing but a contrived excuse to make a bag that has no evidence of a rifle ever being in it a bag that was used to carry in the rifle allegedly found on the 6th floor.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: This is how the rifle was gotten into the building
« Reply #100 on: May 15, 2020, 03:47:09 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: This is how the rifle was gotten into the building
« Reply #101 on: May 15, 2020, 03:54:27 PM »
Oswald actually smuggling in the disassembled murder weapon in a bag aside, why would he include the wonky scope and how did he keep his prints off the rifle after reassembling it, taking 3 shots then ditching it before fleeing the scene? It takes precious time to wipe off all your prints and by rights there should have been a crapload of them all over the rifle. You must manhandle a rifle to reassemble it from parts. Also, Oswald could have saved some room/weight in the bag if he had removed the useless scope.

You need to ans those questions before debating what was in the bag. The conspirators didn't think this one thru. Oswald was obviously instructed to bring something in a long paper bag (long enough for a disassembled rifle) and be witnessed doing it. That's called sheep-dipping the patsy. Meanwhile, the MC was probably already on the 6th floor or in the possession of Roy Truly, who was probably up to his eyeballs in all this as much as Paine and De Mohrenschildt were as his handlers. Truly must have provided private access to the 6th floor for the conspirators to set up shop and kept the employees out of the picture. Someone should dig into Roy Truly's background.

The conspirators didn't think this one thru.

No, the conspirators never anticipated that Lee would walk out of the TSBD.....Nor had they anticipated that Marrion Baker would rush into the building and see Lee Oswald in the lunchroom just seconds after the shooting.

Had things gone down as planned, Lee Oswald would have been dead on the sixth floor, and the spent shells and rifle would have been mute evidence that he had shot JFK.    Case closed.....

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: This is how the rifle was gotten into the building
« Reply #102 on: May 15, 2020, 04:17:53 PM »
Like "Richard" actually knows what Oswald did or did not "need".

Oswald needed to be a somebody..

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: This is how the rifle was gotten into the building
« Reply #103 on: May 15, 2020, 04:22:21 PM »
Wrong.  Oswald only went on weekends.  He rode with Frazier on Friday and then back to work on Monday.

According to Ruth Paine, he came out on SaPersonay, November 2 instead of Friday.  And on the weekend of November 8 he stayed Monday as well because it was Veteran's day.  So this "usual schedule" that "Richard" describes of coming out on Friday evening and returning Monday morning consists of exactly 2 weekends.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: This is how the rifle was gotten into the building
« Reply #103 on: May 15, 2020, 04:22:21 PM »