This is Not, "Oswald's claim". It is HOSTY's CLAIM that Oswald said this. There were Many people in the room when this was allegedly said. Any corroboration?
Did those who perpetrated the cover-up confirm to the world that they had perpetrated a cover-up? Uh, no, Mr Storing, they did not. If you think this is an argument against there having been a cover-up, then you don't understand what the term cover-up means.
However! The weird morphing of the Hosty/Bookhout story from one interrogation report to the next confirms beyond any doubt that this is indeed what Mr Oswald claimed. If you can find any holes in my analysis of that phase of the thing, I'm all ears. Otherwise, you're just feebly doubling down on your irrational resistance to the perfectly reasonable idea that Mr Oswald did indeed go outside to watch the P. parade. (Out of interest, where do
you think he was at the time of the shooting?)
Furthermore! The pre-motorcade sightings of Mr Oswald in the second floor lunchroom (by, at a conservative tally, Ms Carolyn Arnold and Mr Jack Dougherty)... the crass inconsistencies in the evolving lunchroom story... the unrefuted (because irrefutable) evidence that the Wiegman film was altered to hide something in the relevant area of the front entrance... the extreme nervousness which the Altgens photograph caused the FBI... and the presence of three men in that area where only two (Messrs. Shelley and Lovelady) are supposed to be there... tell us that Mr Oswald's claimed whereabouts offer the only solution left standing after five-and-a-half decades.