Saying, "We have NO GOOD REASON to think that any non-employee was standing there" is Silly. This same lame rebuttal can be applied to Your wanting to have Oswald standing there = We have NO GOOD REASON to think that Oswald was standing there. Your basically saying the Proof of Oswald standing there is........................... Oswald SAID he was standing there. You gotta be blushing at how goofy that "logic" sounds.
Oh dear, Mr Storing, you're still confused!
Let me slow the first part down for you:
1. The steps were filled with Depository employees. Yes?
2. If Mr Oswald were there, he would be merely one amongst many Depository employees. Anything unusual about that? No!
3. If a non-employee were there, they would be the sole non-employee in a space filled with employees. Anything unusual about that? Yes!
It really is most amusing how
Team Keep LHO Off Dem Steps have kept shifting the goalposts in order to hide the fact that they've been losing the argument...
LHO can't have been there because his presence would have been noticed! ------>
It was someone other than LHO, and so what if their presence wasn't noticed! Never rely on witnesses!There's no evidence LHO ever said he went out to watch the motorcade! ------> (...Hosty notes turn up...)
The Hosty notes need to be carbon-dated! Besides, 'Then went outside to watch P. parade' is ambiguously worded! Besides, LHO was a liar!Frazier hasn't corroborated your theory, therefore your theory is dead! ------->
Nothing Frazier says can be taken as reliable!Good luck with your Lovelady-holding-a-piece-of-dripping-flesh explanation for the Wiegman shadow, Mr Storing. Or perhaps you'd now prefer to suggest that Mr Jack Ruby was standing beside Mr Lovelady and
that's why the shadow was added? I mean, that's
so much more likely than Mr Oswald's having been telling the truth about going outside to watch the P. parade.
Whatever it takes to indulge your wholly irrational and rather LNerish resistance to the idea of Mr Oswald out front, right?