I did write [and confirm] that.I did write [and confirm] that. Why do you have to belong to some defunct agency to be a spy?
You mean that the humanitarian organization known as the KGB, which until 1991 was comprised of two behemoths, The First Chief Directorate ("foreign" intelligence) and The Second Chief Directorate ("internal" intelligence), magically morphed into two less-threatening organizations (the SVR -- foreign intelligence, and the FSB -- internal intelligence; go figure) which flat-out refused to carry out its predecessors' 1959 plans to subvert, through a combination of traditional "active measures" and Sun Tzu-like "strategic deceptions," our own intelligence agencies (which it had completed by 1974, btw), society, and body politic so that the Mafia-That-Is-And-Will-Always-Be-"KGB" could eventually have its way with us and our Western allies?
(Did you know that Putin's net worth was estimated to be between $40 billion and $200 billion in 2014?)
Just curious: Do you consider yourself to be "anti-America" and/or "pro-Russia"? (You come across as being both to me.)
Are you disappointed that Anna Chapman and her twelve-or-so buds were finally rolled up in 2010, having STARTED living in the U.S. and Canada some ten years after the "dissolution" of the USSR and concomitant tragic, tragic, tragic "demise" of the KGB?
Disappointed that Aldrich Ames (who, ironically, was in Counterintelligence against the Soviets/Russians) was finally uncovered in 1994?
That most Americans now realize that the GRU hacked DNC's emails in 2016?
That Vladimir Putin and his virtual agents Julian Assange and Fox News installed his corrupt, "useful idiot" as our president?
That ...
-- MWT