I also noticed a person in the Keith Griffith film who, in my opinion, is dressed similarly to Babushka Lady (yellowish / brownish coat and so think of a little pink headscarf). Here are some more photos:

The person in question appears after about 1 minute and 32 seconds and leaves the film after about 1 minute and 42 seconds (or is covered by the Six Floor Museum-Logo).
If you want to see the Griffith film, here is the link:
https://emuseum.jfk.org/objects/12435/keith-griffith-film?ctx=8537b538-360a-4112-a4f3-41c6b9fd0942&idx=0That the person is dressed similarly to the babushka might still be a fact. However, if you want to claim that this is really the Babushka Lady, you will encounter some problems. On the one hand, probably also because of the distance, you cannot tell whether she has a camera with her and the brown bag and the accompanying bag strap around the jacket are not really recognizable. Furthermore, the question arises whether the Babushka Lady was standing in front of the Texas School Book Depository at all and was filming at the time Griffith was filming.
In addition, I can't pinpoint the exact day that Griffith filmed the School Book Depository. According to the film description of the sixth floor museum, Keith Griffith filmed on November 22, 1963 and later went to Dealey Plaza again later that weekend. Should the Babushka Lady return to the trauma site a day or two later? I do not think so.
In the end, the Bell film also shows a person who is somewhat similar to the Babushka Lady, but the horizontal stripe on the jacket bothers me here. The camera bag and strap are also not recognizable: