Nothing greatly coincidental or anything here, but we had our spring cleanup in early April, I didn't want to get rid of stuff really but I did figure, it was now time to get rid of some of my videos, so out went my copies of "JFK", "13 Days" and "Wallace", well people curb pick during that time of year, I helped this one fellow with packing some things into his truck including an '80s video game which was really bulky. Well we got to talking and it turns out, this guy was a Freedom Rider back in the day or at least, that's what he told me and I believed him but the timeline threw me off a little, according to wikipedia, the movement dates to 1961 I guess. he said his VCR(s) worked still... so out went quite a few videos including "Gladiator" which is pretty entertaining.

So, I think my videos went to a good place... "13 days" is sort of a slow moving movie to me, didn't really captivate me but my knowledge on the Cuban Missile Crisis is the basics. The actors certainly were top rate.
I've got to say too, my used copy of "13 days" was during the time, DVDs were coming into style, I never got to watch it enough, maybe 2 or 3 times. I wish I had watched it more. I guess, I was a bit busy.
General Lemay is in "13 days", he was quite a character. I know he is probably looked at as "Wallace's running mate" in 1968, but Lemay was actually quite important in World War II in the South Pacific. So, quite an interesting individual again, I do not know a lot about but the basics.