Duncan has answered my question. Let me give a more step by step approach on how to post an image from this site’s “JFK Photographs Gallery”.
Lets say you want to post an image of the “Towner 2” slide.
1. Click on: “JFK Photographs Gallery” on the main menu of the current page toward the top.
2. Click on: page 7 or 8 (which will get you to the page with the Towner Gallery)
3. Click on: Towner Gallery (which brings up 10 pages of Towner frames)
4. Click on the page number with the photograph in question. In this case I can skip this step because the image I want is on page 1.
5. Click on: Crop from Towner 2 slide, the upper RIGHTMOST picture, which brings up a much larger image of that slide.
6. Right click on that image.
7. Click on: “Open image in new tab”
8. Click on the new tab that was just created. The name of the file is at the top.
The name of the file is:
https://www.jfkassassinationgallery.com/albums/userpics/10001/normal_Image57~0.jpgSo insert on it’s own line in your post this filename, sandwich between to get: