As you said, nobody here (in this thread) said that Marina's actions were the sole reason.
And nobody who knows anything about the actual shooting believes it was done in "world class time and accuracy." Oswald completely missed with his first shot; took between 6-8 seconds to fire the next two shots, and missed with his second. It took him three shots and, in my opinion, more than eight seconds to kill JFK.
Hardly world class shooting. If it was world class shooting JFK would have been "taken out" with the first shot.
There was a total of about 11 seconds between the first and the third shots.
With more than five seconds between each shot (which required only 2.3 seconds max) and with the first shot's missing at 80 feet only because it hit the traffic light's cross arm, the assassination of JFK by a former sharpshooter/marksman Marine was an example of "world class shooting"?
Regarding that missed shot, how else are we to understand why the bullet smear on the chipped curb down by James Tague didn't have any copper in it except for the very real possibility that the bullet lost its copper jacket when it glanced off the arm of the traffic light?
-- MWT --
On November 22, 2007, Max Holland and Johann Rush wrote in The New York Times:
[Amos Euins] told the Dallas County sheriff, “About the time the car got near the black and white sign, I heard a shot.” As the above photograph from a December 1963 restaging shows, the president’s limousine would have passed a black and white sign before Zapruder restarted his camera [at Z-133]. If one discards the notion that Zapruder recorded the shooting sequence in full, it has the virtue of solving several puzzles that have consistently defied explanation. The most exasperating one is how did Oswald, who was able to hit President Kennedy in his upper back at a distance of around 190 feet, and then in the head at a distance of 265 feet, manage to miss so badly on the first and closest shot? A first shot earlier than anyone has ever posited gives a plausible answer. About 1.4 seconds before Zapruder restarted filming ]at Z133], a horizontal traffic mast extending over Elm Street temporarily obscured Oswald’s view of his target. That mast was never examined during any of the official investigations. Yet if this mast deflected the first shot, that would surely explain why the bullet missed not only the president, but the whole limousine. Significantly, the highway sign cited by Amos Euins was just a few feet west of the traffic light’s vertical post in 1963. ...