Seems like you treat others around here with the same kind of disrespect so I thought a little instant karma was appropriate. I don't see any answers to the questions I posed. How about some substance instead of nonsense???
It's ironic that you invoke the name of J. Edgar Hoover in your rhetorical screed, the guy who (probably unwittingly) helped to destroy CIA Counterintelligence by his implausibly believing that Yuri Nosenko was a true defector, that Anatoliy Golitsyn was a false defector, that Aleksey Kulak (FEDORA) and Dimitri Polyakov (TOP HAT) were loyal-to-FBI double agents, and that KGB officer Valieriy Kostikov down in old Mexico was "Department 13," thereby enabling the planting of a WW III virus in Oswald's CIA file on 10/01/63 by the humanitarian organization known as the KGB.
Regarding the location and nature of the head wound, McAdams and the experts he cites have already answered your questions. MWT